
How many tribal areas are in FATA?

How many tribal areas are in FATA?

The geographical arrangement of the seven Tribal Areas in order from north to south was: Bajaur, Mohmand, Khyber, Orakzai, Kurram, North Waziristan, South Waziristan.

Where is FATA in Pakistan?

The Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) in Pakistan are areas of Pakistan outside the four provinces, comprising a region of some 27,220 km² (10,507 mi²). Miran Shah is the tribal capital, although Parachinar is the largest city. There are seven areas known as Agencies and six areas known as Frontier Regions.

Which areas include Fata?

The six regions are:

  • Frontier Region Bannu.
  • Frontier Region Dera Ismail Khan.
  • Frontier Region Kohat.
  • Frontier Region Lakki Marwat.
  • Frontier Region Peshawar.
  • Frontier Region Tank (Jandola)
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How much area of Pakistan is covered by plains and deserts?

42\% area of Pakistan is covered by ,plains and deserts,.

How many tribal areas are there in India?

The Constitution of India has recognized tribal communities in India under ‘Schedule 5’ of the constitution. Hence the tribes recognized by the Constitution are known as ‘ Scheduled Tribes’. There are around 645 distinct tribes in India.

How many FR are there in KPK?

The territories that together form FATA consist of seven ‘Political Agencies’ – Bajaur, Khyber, Kurram, Mohmand, North Waziristan, Orakzai, and South Waziristan – and six smaller zones, called ‘Frontier Regions’ (FRs), which are attached with the districts of Bannu, Dera Ismail Khan, Kohat, Lakki Marwat, Peshawar, and …

When did Chitral became part of Pakistan?

In 1947 India was partitioned and Chitral opted to accede to Pakistan. After accession, it gradually lost its autonomy, finally becoming an administrative district of Pakistan in 1969.

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Why the geographic location of Pakistan is so important?

Pakistan is one of those few countries in the world whose geographical and strategic position is of immense importance. The Arabian Sea has limited the South of the country. With the total area of 9,96096 km square, Pakistan emerges to be one of the most significant geographical patches of Asia.

Why did Pakistan fail to control Fata?

Because Pakistan’s laws did not apply in FATA, and national law-enforcement agencies were not able to operate in the region, violence and armed groups were able to thrive for years. In 2007, Pakistan launched a series of military operations to retake control of the tribal areas from TTP and groups allied to it.

How did Fata get merged with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa?

On 24 May 2018, the National Assembly of Pakistan passed a bill to enact the Twenty-fifth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan which calls for the merger of FATA with the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The vote was 229–1 in favor of the amendment.

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Which countries border the federally administered tribal areas of Pakistan?

The Federally Administered Tribal Areas were bordered by: Afghanistan to the north and west with the border marked by the Durand Line, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to the east, and Balochistan to the south.

What happened to Pakistan’s tribal belt?

Residents of long-neglected northwestern tribal belt say incorporation into Pakistan left them in a legal and administrative vacuum. The years between 2009 and 2014 were among the most horrifying of Asghar Khan’s life.