
What is the best thing about Facebook?

What is the best thing about Facebook?

It’s a great platform for sharing information about milestones in your life. Facebook allows users to message instantly, and has helped countless people reconnect after natural disasters that left them without their phones or other communication methods. Users can instantly talk to someone around the world.

Why do you enjoy using Facebook?

In addition to keeping up with friends and family, Facebook is a great place to upload all of those family photos. You can also browse through your feed to see interesting photos and videos shared by friends and pages you’ve liked.

What is the most liked thing on Facebook?

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The picture above, posted to Barack Obama’s Facebook profile around 11:15 p.m. Tuesday, is now Facebook’s most-liked photo of all time, with more than 3.2 million “likes” and counting. The page Facebook + Journalists confirmed the landmark early Wednesday morning.

What is the most liked thing?

1. An egg. This picture of an egg cracked Kylie Jenner’s Instagram record by a long shot, with over 55 million likes at the time of writing. The world_record_egg account began a campaign to set the world record for the most liked post on Instagram, and it was an invitation people just couldn’t turn down.

How do I find my most liked post on Facebook?

Unfortunately, Facebook is not much help in finding most-liked Facebook posts for a user. The only way to find your most popular post is go all the way through your timeline (that is sorted in chronological order) and manually check each post to identify the most-liked post.

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What is Facebook useful for?

Facebook is a social media networking site that allows users to connect with friends, family, co-workers, and others, including groups of people who share a similar interest. Users can share pictures, videos, articles and opinions with their friends.

Why is Facebook so successful?

Click to Enlarge Simplicity: A lot of Facebook’s success is due to its simplicity. It is a very straightforward way to keep track of and communicate with your friends and co-workers. MySpace also offers similar privacy controls, but Facebook’s use of networks creates an increased perception of privacy.

What is the most liked photo?

1. An egg. This picture of an egg cracked Kylie Jenner’s Instagram record by a long shot, with over 55 million likes at the time of writing. The world_record_egg account began a campaign to set the world record for the most liked post on Instagram, and it was an invitation people just couldn’t turn down.

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What was the most liked picture of 2020?

1. World Record Egg. Yes, the world record egg has done it again! This tiny egg has continued to break the internet and Kylie Jenner’s previous record of 18 million likes.

How do I find my most-liked post?

To access this, click on the “Insights” tab at the top of your Page, and then go to the “posts” section on the left hand side. From there, you can see information on all your posts and follower engagement.