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What are the positive effects of colonial rule West africa?

What are the positive effects of colonial rule West africa?

European colonialism in africa brings a positive impact such as : Religious can be used as a spiritual basis for African society, build a school for education of Africans’ children, hospital for a better healt of Africans’ society as well as in economic field, European build a markets.

What are the impact of colonialism in West africa?

Colonialism made African colonies dependent by introducing a mono- cultural economy for the territories. It also dehumanized African labour force and traders. It forced Africans to work in colonial plantations at very low wages and displaced them from their lands.

What are some of the effects of Western colonialism?

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Colonialism’s impacts include environmental degradation, the spread of disease, economic instability, ethnic rivalries, and human rights violations—issues that can long outlast one group’s colonial rule.

What are the benefits of colonialism in Africa?

Africa would most likely still be behind the rest of the world without colonialism though. Some positives historians have pointed out are medicine, education, improved infrastructure, Christianity, and boundaries. The growth of the African population was aided by the Western medicine introduced by Europeans.

Which positive effect of colonial rule in Africa was the most significant Why?

As a result of colonialism, there was the establishment of education in many African countries which positively developed African continent. Besides, it enhanced unity among various tribes in African nations making them jointly work together in building their country.

What were the social effects of colonization?

According to other authors, the social impact of colonialism depended on the number settlers of European origin, colonially-induced labor migration and the level of colonial investment in the health and education sector. Related to that were different practices of ethnic and/or religious discrimination or privileges.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Colonisation?

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But the colonial master’s aim was to exploit the colony economy and move them to their country making the colony depend on them. The disadvantages of colonialism is far more than its advantages, the main advantage is the civilization while the disadvantage is the economic dependent.

What were the positive and negative effects of imperialism in Africa?

POSITIVE IMPACTS OF EUROPEAN IMPERIALISM IN AFRICA Another positive impact of European imperialism in Africa was the construction of major infrastructure projects. Again, it should be noted that these positives came along with plenty of negatives that also brutalized the African people.

What were the positive and negative effects of imperialism for the colonizer and the colony?

Imperialism led to further protection of human rights for indigenous people. Although imperialism led to other good results, it also caused many negative situations and events such as slavery. Because of early contact with Europeans and Africans, there are now cultures such as; African-American.

How did the demise of colonialism affect the African economy?

After the demise of colonialism, this helped to build good relationship amongst African countries. Take for instance, the common legal system in Africa allows for easy and safer international transactions. More so, with the coming of colonialism, the largel system of Africa got a new shape.

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What is ablison’s view of colonialism in Africa?

According to Ablison, most Africans would walk long distances, and therefore, could delay in achieving different agendas. It is important to note that, British colonialism is still seen today in most colonized African countries. They succeeded in enforcing on Africans their English language.

Did colonial rule have positive or negative effects on Africa?

The truth is that, colonial rule did not just had negative impacts. There are areas where it really contributed positively and Africa is still enjoying some of those positive effects till today. One of those areas is the exposure to westen education.

What are the positive effects of colonialism on the Constitution?

The concept of a written constitution therefore helps to reduce the work of the judicial arm of government in the interpretation of the law. 2. Creation of a large political unit: Another positive effect of colonialism was the creation of large political unit.