
Can the same note have different frequencies?

Can the same note have different frequencies?

When two musical notes are an octave apart, one has double the frequency of the other yet we hear them as the “same” note – a “C” for example.

What instruments can play more than one note at a time?

Monophonic. A monophonic synthesizer or monosynth is a synthesizer that produces only one note at a time, making it smaller and cheaper than a polyphonic synthesizer which can play multiple notes at once.

How can two different instruments with the same fundamental frequency have different sounds?

Why do the same notes played on different instruments sound so different? The reason the same musical note sounds different when played on various instruments is because the harmonic overtones and envelope of each instrument is unique. When a frequency is played, other frequencies, called harmonics, are created.

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How do you find the fundamental frequency with two frequencies?

The fundamental frequency (n = 1) is ν = v/2l. The higher frequencies, called harmonics or overtones, are multiples of the fundamental. It is customary to refer to the fundamental as the first harmonic; n = 2 gives the second harmonic or first overtone, and so on.

How are different notes produced from an instrument?

Musical instruments create sounds by making something vibrate. Although the pitch (how high or low a sound is) will be the same, a particular note sounds different on different instruments because they produce sound waves with different patterns (shapes and sizes).

How do notes differ with different frequencies?

Higher pitched notes have larger frequency steps (in Hertz) between them, but each step makes an equal change to difference in pitch (one semitone) that we perceive. Even though there are twelve notes in an octave, only the first seven letters of the alphabet are used to name them (from A to G).

What is it called when you play two notes at the same time?

harmony, in music, the sound of two or more notes heard simultaneously.

What is it called when only one instrument is playing?

Merriam-Webster defines solo as: “A musical composition for a single voice or instrument with or without accompaniment” and “the featured part of a concerto or similar work”.

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Are notes the same for all instruments?

While the timbre of the notes for each instrument may be different, the actual pitches are the same. An A note in the fourth register in standard pitch is always 440 Hertz, no matter the instrument. Even though a guitar and piano sound different because they have different timbres, the notes (pitch) are still the same.

How do you find the fundamental frequency with 3 frequencies?

If the frequencies are all integers and exact multiples of a fundamental frequency, you can simply take the greatest common divisor of the frequencies. If you’re told the frequencies are 1760, 2200, and 3080, then the fundamental frequency is apparently 440 since that’s the greatest common divisor.

How do you find the fundamental harmonic frequency?

Harmonics are integer multiples of the fundamental frequency. For example, if the fundamental frequency is 50 Hz (also known as the first harmonic) then the second harmonic will be 100 Hz (50 * 2 = 100 Hz), the third harmonic will be 150 Hz (50 * 3 = 150 Hz), and so on.

What makes an instrument an instrument?

A musical instrument is a device created or adapted to make musical sounds. In principle, any object that produces sound can be considered a musical instrument—it is through purpose that the object becomes a musical instrument. The history of musical instruments dates to the beginnings of human culture.

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Why don’t we hear a single note with an average frequency?

Instead, you do hear a single note with something like the average frequency, but also a slightly different tonal character. The reason is quite a remarkable mathematical fact, namely that the additive superposition of two sine oscillations is equal to the multiplicative superposition of two other oscillations.

What is the frequency of an a major chord?

An A major chord (in third octave) is constructed with an A, C#, E, with corresponding frequencies 220.5, 138.5, 164.5. Since we are playing this in a single stroke, one might assume that this blends into a single frequency that is equal to the average of the three, which is 174.5hz.

What is the frequency range of A4 notes?

Frequencies of Musical Notes, A4 = 440 Hz

What is the difference between overall frequency and sub frequency?

As you can see from the final image, both of the original frequencies are represented — the overall frequency is still that of x, but it has a clear sub-frequency that matches y (which is double that of x, in this case).