Useful tips

How do I request the same Uber driver?

How do I request the same Uber driver?

Favorite Driver is a feature that allows riders to select specific drivers whom they would like to be matched with when requesting Scheduled Rides in the future. You can add drivers to your Favorite Driver list by tapping the Favorite button when completing the rating process for one of your recent Scheduled Rides.

Do Uber drivers know what you rate them?

The basics of ratings After each trip, riders and drivers have the opportunity to rate each other from 1 to 5 stars, based on their trip experience. Ratings are anonymous. You won’t see individual ratings tied to a particular trip or person.

Can I block a grab driver?

Passengers have the right to block a driver if they suspect a driver of misuse of the App. Passengers may input the number of riders in their group. Always adhere to these limits and/or your vehicle’s seating capacity limits, whichever lower.

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Can Uber drivers see my picture?

Riders are also able to confirm that drivers can’t see certain private information — including their last name, phone number, profile photo, and the rating they give their driver. Uber says the driver’s license plate information will be deleted from the rider’s app within 30 days.

How does Uber match you with drivers?

Here is how: Normally, when you request a ride, Uber matches you to drivers based on the closest drivers to your location. This makes sense because the closer the driver is to you, the faster they can arrive at your location. This is one of the main advantages Uber has over traditional taxis.

Can you have more than one Uber driver?

Answer Wiki. Yes you can. You can register multiple drivers under your Uber Fleet Account under 1 Car. The only restriction is that you can use only one driver at a time as you need to assign the car to that particular one.

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Can I let my friend drive my car for Uber?

The answer is “yes”, but there are caveats. Yes, your friend, family member, or anyone else can drive your car for Uber, but with a few caveats: – The person meets the Uber requirements to become a driver, e.g. over 21, legally licensed, etc. – The person needs to be properly insured and “attached to the vehicle.”. Yes,…

How do you request a ride on Uber?

You will need to get their phone number and then call them to come to you when you need a ride. Make sure the driver is online and you are sitting right beside them, then request a ride. It is very likely the ride will go to the driver because they are the closest to you.