Useful tips

What is the value of 4 =?

What is the value of 4 =?

Hence, the value of the digit 4 will be i.e. 40 or forty.

What is the value of |- 4 |?

The absolute value of (−4) , written as |−4| , is equal to 4 because −4 is 4 places away from zero. If you make that number negative, then your answer is 4.

What is the value of i4?

Ans: “i” is an imaginary number, but an imaginary number raised to the power of an imaginary number turns out to be a real number. The value of i is √-1….Values of i.

Degree Mathematical Calculation Value
i4 i * i * i * i 1
i5 i * i * i * i * i i
i6 i * i * i * i * i * i -1
i0 i1-1 1

What is the value of 4 3rds?

Answer: The value of 4 to the 3rd power i.e., 43 is 64.

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What is i4 in complex numbers?

Imaginary Numbers

i1 = i
i3 = i2i = – 1(i) = – i
i4 = i3i = – i(i) = – i2 = – (- 1) = 1
i5 = i4i = 1(i) = i
i6 = i5i = – 1

What is value of i i2 i3 i4?

Solution. i + i2 + i3 + i4. = i + i2 + i2 .i + i4. = i – 1 – i + 1 …[∵ i2 = – 1, i4 = 1] = 0.

What is the value of 3?

3 is in thousands place and its place value is 3,000, 5 is in hundreds place and its place value is 500, 4 is in tens place and its place value is 40, 8 is in ones place and its place value is 8.

What is the value of 2 in 23?

What does the 2 in the number 23 represent? Student: It represents twenty. Mentor: Right.

What is the next value 1 i 2 L 3 F 4?

What is the next value 1 I 2l 3 F 4?, Looking at the design of the letters, “I” is made up of 1 line, “L” is made up of 2 lines, and “ F ” is made up of 3 lines. Following this pattern, the next letter would consist of 4 lines. Hence the next value is “E”, which is made up of 4 lines.

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How do you find the place value of a number?

The place value of a digit in a number is the value it holds to be at the place in the number. We know about the place value and face value of a digit and we will learn about it in details. Place, Place Value and Face Value: A number is formed by grouping the digits together.

How do you find the value of a digit?

Answer Wiki. On the left to the decimal point, the value is the digit times 1 (in whole numbers the decimal point is invisible, it is at the right to the number). The value of the digit left to the first digit is 10 ( 1*10) and every time you go left you multiply the value by ten and multiply the digit by that.

What is the exponential value of a number?

Value of Exponential. The variable which consist any power value in the notation its denoted as the above form x is denoted as exponent variable and e represented as base value and it has another name called transcendental number and the value for the number is 2. 71828. The exponential form can be represented as p(x).