
Why did Thanos not use the reality stone?

Why did Thanos not use the reality stone?

The stones would work on things not as powerful as it. To change the state of stormbreaker might be too much for the stone. Each of the stones has their limit, thats why thanos can’t make the whole universe far less a galaxy look different just by using the reality stone.

Can Thanos warp reality?

Once Thanos gets his hands on the gem, he demonstrates a glimpse of its power to the Collector — warping his reality to the point of utter incoherence. During his time with the gem, Thanos continuously proves that he has the imagination to utilize its powers.

Which stone lets Thanos Teleport?

Thanos then used the Space Stone to teleport himself to Wakanda on Earth.

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Can Thanos manipulate reality?

The Reality Stone can be used in conjunction with the other Stones to expand its effects. Combined with the Space Stone, Thanos was able to manipulate the terrain at such a scale as to pull a flying Doctor Strange into his hand, by pulling the surface of Titan itself towards him.

Why did The Collector have the Reality Stone?

The Reality Stone grants the user power to manipulate matter. At the end of the movie, two Asgardians give the Reality Stone to The Collector because apparently they can’t keep the Space Stone and Reality Stone in the same room in Asgard.

What powers do the Space Stone have?

The Space Stone gives the user power over space. Anyone holding the Space Stone can create a portal from one part of the universe to another. In the Marvel films, the Space Stone is hidden inside a blue cube called the Tesseract.

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How does Thanos Teleport?

Infinity stones works even in the absence of gauntlet, so he can teleport to anywhere! The gauntlet is it got some damaged . The Gauntlet didnt got completely destroyed so he can use the gauntlet which allowed him to use space stone which allowed him to teleport.

Can the collector beat Thanos?

He would have definitely put up a fight against Thanos and you never know, even would have won it. In the MCU Ego is a Celestial (although in the comic books he’s not). Celestials are one of the very few most powerful beings in all of the Universe.