
Does Hulk absorb energy?

Does Hulk absorb energy?

While the Hulk can absorb radiation, he has also shown the ability to absorb some surprising energy sources, as well.

What can Hulk survive?

HE CAN SURVIVE IN SPACE And while in the comics the Hulk has been launched into space in a pressurized vessel for safety, once the vessel broke the Hulk just got angrier and as a result he got stronger, thus causing his body to adapt into one that can survive anything space throws at it.

How much heat can Hulk survive?

8 HULK CAN RESIST UP TO 1 MILLION DEGREES OF FLAME Johnny Storm can control heat energy and create fire, which he can engulf himself in or even shoot at someone else.

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Can Hulk absorb cosmic?

Hulk has only been shown to be able to absorb gamma radiation. The sun does emit gamma radiation, and Hulk could absorb that, theoretically, but he certainly could not absorb all of the sun’s power.

How did Hulk get exposed to radiation?

Gamma Radiation is electromagnetic radiation of the shortest wavelength, and is emitted by the Infinity Stones. Gamma radiation was absorbed by Bruce Banner after he used it in his Super Soldier Serum, transforming him into Hulk.

How was the Hulk exposed to radiation?

In the Marvel Universe, Bruce Banner exposed his body to high doses of gamma radiation during an experiment in his lab. The gamma radiation deformed Bruce’s DNA, so whenever he became angry, he could turn into the Hulk.

Does gamma radiation hurt the Hulk?

Gamma radiation is deadly in significant Hulk-sized doses.

Is the Hulk radioactive?

Banner tests the serum and gamma radiation combination on himself. The details in the story change on each retelling, but the plot generally follows the same line: the Hulk is created due to exposure to gamma rays. Gamma rays are a type of ionizing radiation, the result of an unstable nucleus trying to become stable.

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Can the Hulk die in his human form?

This depends on the media he’s depicted in, but if we’re going in mainstream continuity, the Hulk can’t die in Hulk form, and will transform into Hulk form even if he’s killed in human form.

Does the Hulk ever sleep with She-Hulk?

Anyway, She-Hulk lets her cousin down with a simple no, and Hulk gets the hint and leaves. For now, anyway. In Mark Millar and Steve McNiven’s Old Man Logan storyline, the Hulk sleeps with She-Hulk (possibly against her will) and their mutated inbred babies form an army that rules over the Hulk’s wasteland kingdom.

What do the people of Sakaar believe about Hulk?

The people of Sakaar believe Hulk is the Sakaarson, the one who will lead them into a new age.

Why is the Hulk’s rivalry with Wolverine so heated?

This may be the most controversial statement in this list, but it is our opinion that one of the reasons this rivalry is so heated is that the Hulk is afraid that Wolverine is one of the few people on Earth who could beat him for good. The best example is the classic Incredible Hulk #340, where Wolvie and Joe Fixit go toe to toe.