
What is special about Fordham University?

What is special about Fordham University?

At Fordham, you’ll receive a rigorous education in one of the world’s greatest cities—an education that will sharpen your talents, widen your vision, and prepare you to embrace and create change. Fordham shapes students who strive for excellence in everything they do, they care for others, and they fight for justice.

What do Fordham students call themselves?

the Ramily
Students who work on Fordham’s student newspaper are so close-knit that they call themselves “the Ramily,” and they warmly welcome new students to get involved.

What does Fordham look for in a student?

Reviewing your application holistically means we look for students who are a good match for Fordham. Our primary focus is that you will be academically successful and bring personal qualities of integrity, perseverance, and leadership to our campus communities.

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Are Fordham students rich?

The median family income of a student from Fordham is $151,800, and 64\% come from the top 20 percent. About 4\% of students at Fordham came from a poor family but became a rich adult. Below, estimates of how Fordham compares with its peer schools in economic diversity and student outcomes.

Is Fordham hard academically?

Fordham’s core curriculum is too stringent, but it’s actually a fairly tough-grading school and it is reasonably hard to do well. Fordham’s education is both geared for a job and toward learning for its own sake.

Do people like Fordham University?

I love Fordham. Its small enough that you know everyone, but large enough to avoid the people you don’t like. When I tell people I go to Fordham they are generally impressed, especially if they are from the tristate area. I spend the majority of my time in the student center, as I’m very involved in student government.

What GPA do you need for Fordham?

With a GPA of 3.64, Fordham University requires you to be above average in your high school class. You’ll need at least a mix of A’s and B’s, with more A’s than B’s. You can compensate for a lower GPA with harder classes, like AP or IB classes.

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What percent of Fordham is Catholic?

30.8 percent
According to the Fordham fact book compiled by the Office of Institutional Research (OIR) from Fall 2013, 30.8 percent of students at Fordham Lincoln Center (FLC) identified as Catholic, 3.7 percent as Jewish, 9.8 percent as Protestant, 20.2 percent checked the “other” box and 35.5 percent were unreported.

Is Fordham snobby?

While many students come from private Catholic high schools and affluent backgrounds, they are not rich snobs. However, Fordham really has a niche for virtually every type of student.

Who famous went to Fordham?

Famous People Who Went To Fordham University

  • Alan Alda. The award-winning actor was in the class of 1956 as an English major, and was on television before he graduated (performing with his father, Robert Alda).
  • Denzel Washington.
  • Amanda Seyfried.
  • Dylan McDermott.
  • Faith Evans.
  • David Copperfield.
  • Susan Lucci.
  • Taylor Schilling.