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What is the difference between biodegradable and non-biodegradable substance?

What is the difference between biodegradable and non-biodegradable substance?

Biodegradable wastes are those substances that degrade or break down naturally. Non-biodegradable wastes are those substances that do not degrade easily. Materials like plants, animals, their waste, paper, fruits, vegetables fall under the category of biodegradable substances.

What is non-biodegradable organic matter?

Some organic materials are resistant to biological degradation. Some organics are non-biodegradable because they are toxic to organisms. These include the organic pesticides, some industrial chemicals and hydrocarbon compounds that have combined with chlorine.

What are organic and inorganic matters?

The primary difference between organic vs. inorganic compounds is that organic compounds always contain carbon while most inorganic compounds do not contain carbon. Also, nearly all organic compounds contain carbon-hydrogen or C-H bonds.

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What is inorganic matter in an ecosystem?

Inorganic matter is what non-living things are made from. These are things like air, water, rocks, soil and metals. Inorganic matter is important in an ecosystem because it is what producers use, and it is the physical and chemical, non-living environment that we live in.

What is non-biodegradable examples?

Non-biodegradable things include of plastics, polystyrene, plastic, metals, and aluminum cans, toxic chemicals, paints, tyres, etc. Biodegradable materials on decomposing are transformed into simple organic matter and are thus adapted in the soil and thus become a part of the carbon cycle of the atmosphere.

How does a biodegradable waste differ from a non-biodegradable waste give two examples of non-biodegradable wastes which pollute our environment?

biodegradable waste decomposed in the soil and and become the fertility of the soil but non-biodegradable waste not composed by any microorganism it may take decompose 1,000 year. The two example of non biodegradable waste was plastic and solar cell.

What is meant by non-biodegradable?

Definition of nonbiodegradable : not capable of being broken down by the action of living organisms : not biodegradable nonbiodegradable packaging.

What is the main difference between organic and inorganic chemistry?

While organic chemistry is defined as the study of carbon-containing compounds, inorganic chemistry is the study of the remaining (i.e., not carbon-containing) subset of compounds. But there can be overlap between the two fields.

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What are 3 differences between organic and inorganic compounds?

Those organic compounds which have only single bonds between carbon atoms are known as alkanes. They have a maximum number of hydrogen atoms bonded with carbon atoms….Difference Between Organic and Inorganic Compounds (Table)

Organic Compound Inorganic Compound
Conduction of electricity Bad conductors Good conductors

What is mineral or inorganic matter?

A mineral is an inorganic substance. It was not made by living organisms. Organic substances contain carbon. Some organic substances are proteins, carbohydrates, and oils. The calcium carbonate shells made by marine animals are inorganic.

What is link between organic and inorganic components in the ecosystem?

Autotrophic component of the ecosystem includes the producers or energy transducers which convert solar energy into chemical energy (that becomes locked in complex organic substances such as carbohydrate, lipid, protein, etc) with the help of simple inorganic substances such as water and carbon dioxide and organic …

What are biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials explain with example?

Biodegradable material contains food waste like vegetable and fruit peels, dead plants and animals, egg shells, chicken, garden waste paper materials, etc. Non-biodegradable things include of plastics, polystyrene, plastic, metals, and aluminum cans, toxic chemicals, paints, tyres, etc.

What is the difference between organic matter and inorganic matter?

The main difference between organic and inorganic matter is organic compounds contain carbon and carbon-hydrogen bonds, while most inorganic compounds do not contain carbon. Organic compounds are produced by and are associated with living organisms. Inorganic compounds are created by non-living natural processes or human intervention.

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Why is it easier to dispose of organic waste than inorganic matter?

Have you ever wondered why it is always easier to dispose of organic waste than inorganic matter? This is due to the fact that organic wastes are biodegradable, and hence can be easily disposed of. The most common way to dispose of organic waste is through landfills or in incinerators.

What is the difference between organic and inorganic evidences?

Organic substances are more as compared to inorganic evidences in the juries. Examples of these organic evidences include hair, biological fluids, drugs as well as explosives as all of them contain carbon. Inorganic substances comprise of; gun powder, glass paint, most dirt and most dirt among others.

What are the characteristics of inorganic compounds?

Inorganic Compounds. 1. Organic compounds are characterized by the presence of carbon atoms in them. Most inorganic compounds do not have carbon atoms in them (some exceptions do exist) 2. Organic compounds consisting of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and their other derivatives.