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Can the internet ever be destroyed?

Can the internet ever be destroyed?

Short answer: Highly unlikely. There is no single “switch” or command that would do this, but there are theoretical ways to sabotage the Internet that would require a great deal of coordination with people in multiple locations. Long answer: There are two services that are critical to most of the Internet: DNS and BGP.

Is it possible to shut down the whole internet?

Disabling the entire internet would be like trying to stop the flow of every river in the world at once. No. There isn’t a single connection point that all the data flows through, and the internet protocol was specifically designed so that data finds a route around parts of the network that are down.

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Can the Internet be secure?

The internet is mostly private and secure, but it can also be an insecure channel for exchanging information. With a high risk of intrusion by hackers and cybercriminals, internet security is a top priority for individuals and businesses alike.

Is there 100\% security in the Internet?

Better and better security measures can be implemented, but just as quickly, hackers will find ways around them. The Internet will never be 100 per cent secure, but with good vigilance it can be one of the safest places on earth to do business.

Can the government destroy the Internet Everywhere?

Lehr added that, while no single government could destroy the Internet everywhere, it could certainly cripple it sufficiently to render its use unattractive for people within its country of governance.

Will the web survive if the Internet goes down?

Even an extreme disruption of international connectivity would not seriously threaten the survival of Web content itself. A “hard” copy of most data is stored in nonvolatile memory, which sticks around with or without power, and whether you have Internet access to it or not.

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Is the Internet really Unbreakable?

The internet is unbreakable. At least, we think it is. That’s why when something goes extremely viral, such as pictures of Kim Kardashian’s bottom or #thedress, we joke about it “breaking the internet”. This is because, well, that obviously isn’t going to happen – but we’re searching for some way of exaggerating the impact of the event.

Is the Internet physically invulnerable?

A vast behemoth that can route around outages and self-heal, the Internet has grown physically invulnerable to destruction by bombs, fires or natural disasters — within countries, at least. It’s “very richly interconnected,” said David Clark, a computer scientist at MIT who was a leader in the development of the Internet during the 1970s.