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What jobs will disappear by 2020?

What jobs will disappear by 2020?

10 Middle-Class Jobs That Will Vanish By 2020

  • Farmers, Ranchers and Agricultural Managers.
  • Computer Operators.
  • Postal Service Mail Carriers.
  • Desktop Publishers.
  • Semiconductor Processors.
  • Postmasters and Mail Superintendents.
  • Fabric and Apparel Patternmakers.
  • Postal Service Clerks.

What kind of jobs will lose their popularity?

The following 15 occupations will experience the biggest decline over the next seven years, losing more than a fifth of all their workers:

  1. Locomotive firers.
  2. Respiratory therapy technicians.
  3. Parking enforcement workers.
  4. Word processors and typists.
  5. Watch repairers.
  6. Motor vehicle electronic-equipment installers and repairers.

What jobs will disappear in 10 years?

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10 Disappearing Jobs That Won’t Exist in 10 Years: Professions That Won’t Guarantee Career Opportunities

  • Retail Cashier: $21,000.
  • Telemarketer: $22,300.
  • Freight/Stock: $23,900.
  • Newspaper Delivery: $24,100.
  • Travel Agent: $31,800.
  • Postal Worker: $32,000.
  • Taxi Dispatcher: $43,000.
  • Word Processor/Typist: $45,000.

How many jobs will disappear?

As is the case with so many highly automated jobs, semiconductor and processor assemblers have robots to blame for their already-disappearing jobs. Experts predict that more than 14,000 such jobs will disappear by the end of the decade.

What are three jobs that will no longer exist in 10 years?

Check out these 10 jobs that won’t exist in 10 years:

  • Cashiers.
  • Computer Operators.
  • Data Entry Keyers.
  • Insurance Underwriters.
  • Photography Lab Processors.
  • Social Media Experts.
  • Call Receptionists.
  • Telemarketers.

What jobs will exist in 10 years?

The following is a list of 10 future technology jobs that will exist in 10 years but do not exist now.

  • Commercial Civilian Drone Operators.
  • Digital Currency Advisor.
  • Digital Locksmith.
  • Food Engineer.
  • Home Automation Contractor.
  • Media Remixer.
  • Organ Harvester.
  • Personal Web Manager.
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What’s the best job?

Here are the best jobs of 2021:

  • Physician Assistant.
  • Software Developer.
  • Nurse Practitioner.
  • Medical and Health Services Manager.
  • Physician.
  • Statistician.
  • Speech-Language Pathologist.

What are the top 20 disappearing jobs?

Top 20 Disappearing Jobs. No. 1: Farmers, Ranchers, and No. 2: Postal Service Mail Sor… No. 3: Sewing Machine Operator… No. 4: Switchboard Operators. No. 5: Fast Food Cooks. No. 6: Agricultural Workers*. No. 7: Data Entry Keyers.

Which occupations are expected to decline the most between 2010-2020?

Based on the latest projections by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistic (BLS), the following occupations are expected to massively decline in number and percentage of workers between 2010 and 2020. [-] No. 1: Farmers, Ranchers, and

Is the Lumberjack the disappearing job of the future?

As we are gradually shifting towards a greener and more sustainable environment with more paper products going digital, the lumberjack has been marked as one of the disappearing jobs, with at a projected 9\% decrease in employment by 2022. At a certain stage, I believe we will end with all human labor replaced by advanced technologies. 3.

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How many manufacturing jobs have been lost since 1947?

Since 1947, more than 3 million manufacturing jobs have been lost, even as economic output grew by $4 trillion.