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Why do ships have exposed bridges?

Why do ships have exposed bridges?

The bridge being exposed but over-towering is also psychological. It gives the crew somewhere to look to symbolically to gain courage. Or something to at least instill discipline and remind people there is command and control aboard a ship, so it’s not without rules or regulations no matter how big or small.

Why were aircraft carriers the most important ships?

Aircraft carriers played a major role in winning decisive naval battles, supporting key amphibious landings, and keeping critical merchant shipping lanes open for transporting military personnel and their equipment to land battle zones.

What is the bridge in Star Trek?

A bridge was the main command and control facility of a starship or a starbase. Commanding officers and first officers were often positioned on the bridge; officers whose duty were on the bridge were referred to as bridge officers.

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Where is the bridge on Star Trek ship?

Deck 1
On Starfleet vessels, the bridge was usually located on Deck 1, on top of the vessel’s primary hull. The bridge was the nerve center of every starship, and it was manned by the top officers of each department except for engineering and medical.

Why do sci fi spaceships have windows?

Windows represent structural weakness, and there really isn’t much to see in any event. Unless the spacecraft is orbiting a planet or docking with another ship, the only thing visible is the depths of space and the eye-searing sun. And unlike submarines, windows on a spacecraft also let in deadly radiation.

Why do Star Wars ships have windows?

Hawkeye Is Here To Amaze – The Loop A viewport, also known as a window or porthole, was a framework that contained a pane of transparent material and was built into a wall to admit light. Starships and space stations were commonly equipped with viewports, as were ground-based structures.

Why is an aircraft carrier so powerful?

The aircraft carrier dramatically changed naval warfare in World War II, because air power was becoming a significant factor in warfare. They had greater range and precision than naval guns, making them highly effective.

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Why were aircraft carriers so vital to the war in the Pacific?

Why is the bridge called the bridge?

The bridge is always occupied by an officer on watch when the ship is in service. It was originally called a ‘bridge’ because the early paddle steamers were controlled from a structure built between the paddle boxes to provide good visibility – as it looked like a bridge, the name stuck !

How many times did the saucer section separation?

Nice concept, but it doesn’t happen very often, because in order for the visual effects experts to separate the ship, they must separate a lot of money from their budget. The effect was done only three times on the show.

Where is the bridge on USS Enterprise?

1 Answer. The ship’s ‘Main Bridge’ is at the top of the saucer section. The ‘Battle Bridge’ is at the front of the engineering section. You can see both labelled in this blueprint from the TNG Technical Manual.

Are aircraft carriers more vulnerable to attack?

In recent years, though, there has been growing concern that changing mission requirements and enemy capabilities may make carriers more vulnerable to attack. This study analyzes the steps adversaries would need to take to execute a suc- cessful attack.

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Is carrier vulnerability the most important issue facing the US Navy?

The question of carrier vulnerability may be the most important issue the current generation of American leaders faces in deter- mining the future composition of military forces. The issue cannot be dismissed with the rote formulations that the Navy has invoked for decades to justify its force posture.

Why is the navy trying to hide ship-building overruns?

The Navy is currently trying to shift part of the funding for completion until after delivery of the first ship in an apparent attempt to obscure the extent of the overruns. The surface fleet procurement program has suffered a massive disconnect between emerging capabilities and system design.

Why is the Navy Building supercarriers that cannot function properly?

The Navy is developing a new class of supercarriers that cannot function properly, and has designed them to launch F-35 fighters that are not ready to fly their missions. This is all happening during an era of out-of-control budgets, which bodes poorly for American sea power and leadership ahead.