
Why were communications lost on the far side of the Moon?

Why were communications lost on the far side of the Moon?

A: When Apollo astronauts circled the Moon, communications were cut off with Earth every time the command module passed behind the Moon. This is because the Moon itself blocks radio signals, preventing communication when it comes between Earth and any spacecraft.

How did the communication happen between the Apollo 8 with Earth?

Communication between the LEM and astronauts performing EVA was facilitated by a small VHF antenna deployed by the first crewman down the ladder. On later missions, of course, a somewhat smaller deployable S-band antenna was carried by the Lunar Roving Vehicle.

Do cell phones work on the moon?

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You wouldn’t be able to use your normal phone made to operate at 1 atmosphere plus or minus a little pressure, in the near vaccum of moon for much longer. The LCD, the plastics, the mainboard, and the battery would all outgas and either be damaged or destroyed. All volatile condensable materials may vaporize.

Who is the last human stepped on the moon?

During the Apollo 17 mission, Cernan became the eleventh man to walk on the Moon. As he re-entered the Apollo Lunar Module after Harrison Schmitt on their third and final lunar excursion, he is the last man to walk on the Moon as of 2021.

What happened on the Apollo 8 mission?

Apollo 8 (December 21–27, 1968) was the first crewed spacecraft to leave low Earth orbit, and also the first human spaceflight to reach another astronomical object, namely the Moon, which the crew orbited without landing, and then departed safely back to Earth.

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What was the purpose of the Apollo 8 mission?

Mission Overview Apollo 8 was the first crewed spacecraft to successfully orbit the Moon and return to Earth. The Apollo 8 crew were also the first to witness and photograph an Earthrise.

What did we see in space before the Apollo program?

Before the Apollo program, early space exploration let human eyes view the planet from orbit, seeing for the first time the curvature of the Earth and its thin atmosphere. In 1966, a lunar probe sent back a black-and-white image of a cloudy Earth rising over the Moon’s surface, providing the first view of our home planet as a whole.

Where would the Apollo missions set down on the Moon?

To select where the Apollo missions would set down on the Moon, NASA shortlisted a series of potential landing areas near the lunar equator, where the Moon’s faster rotation speed would make it easier for the ascent stages to take off.

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How did NASA plan to land astronauts on the Moon?

With a trip around the Moon completed, it was time for NASA to start seriously planning to land astronauts there. The next step was the Apollo 9 mission, the first to carry a lunar module into orbit.

What was the purpose of the Apollo 11 mission?

30th Anniversary of Apollo 11 – July, 1999 The Apollo program was designed to land humans on the Moon and bring them safely back to Earth. Six of the missions (Apollos 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17) achieved this goal. Apollos 7 and 9 were Earth orbiting missions to test the Command and Lunar Modules, and did not return lunar data.