
Is work done when carrying an object?

Is work done when carrying an object?

Until displacement by a force applied,there is no work. So when the worker carrying a luggage on his head or on his hand then no work is done. It has two causes, As you know ,so here there is no displacement,hence no work done.

Does a Labour carrying load in his back do a work if he moves in horizontal plane?

A porter carrying a load on his head on a horizontal road does no work against Gravity.

What is the work done by a man carrying a load in his head and walking through a corridor?

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Because person moves horizontal and force of gravity is vertical. So work done is Zero.

What is the work done by a porter against the force of gravity?

The answer is zero.

What is work done on load?

The work done on the machine at the effort end is called the work in and the work done by the machine at the load end is called the work out . The load and effort usually differ in magnitude and direction as well as location.

Is work being done examples?

This means that zero work is being done as the force and distance are not applied in the same direction. Richard G. Examples: Pushing a car horizontally from rest; shooting a bullet (the powder does the work); walking up stairs; sawing a log.

Why a man carrying a load on his back leans forward?

To be in stable equilibrium, the vertical line through the C.G. should pass through the base of the man. So, a man carrying a load on his back leans forward to the opposite side to make the vertical line through the C.G. pass though the base and hence to be stable.

What is work done by a person carrying a load on his head and walks along a horizontal level road?

In this case gravitational force is acting in vertically downward direction and displacement is in horizontal direction. Hence, work done by the person is zero.

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How much load does the Porter have on his back?

Answer: A twenty-five-kilo load, the porter has on his back.

What was the porter carrying?

A porter is someone who carries luggage for tourists.

What is the work done by a machine?

The work you do on a machine is called the input work, and the work the machine does in turn is called the output work. A machine’s is the ratio of its output work to the input work. An ideal machine would be 100 percent efficient.

What is a work done?

Work is done whenever a force moves something over a distance. You can calculate the energy transferred, or work done, by multiplying the force by the distance moved in the direction of the force.

What is the work done by a donkey carrying a load?

While carrying a load, the donkey has to apply a force in the upward direction. But, displacement of the load is in the forward direction. Thus, the angle between the force and displacement is 90degree. Since displacement is perpendicular to force, the work done is zero.

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Is a donkey doing work with respect to physics?

A donkey is carrying a load on its back. Is it a work done by the donkey with respect to physics? My guess is that if we asked the donkey, it would say it is doing work. Now for some of my thoughts. Work in that sense is force times the perpendicular distance. The force would include the need to act against friction, and windage.

What is the direction of the force pulling the train?

An engine applies force to pull the train. This allows the train to move in the direction of the force. The direction is forward. Both the displacement and force are in the same direction, the work is done. (f) Food grains are getting dried in the sun.

Is a donkey a machine with 100\% efficiency?

The donkey is not a machine with 100\% efficiency. None the less. if we took the calorific value of the donkey’s food, at least we could get an upper bound value for what work (s)he is doing. Of course, apart from the energy involved in overcoming friction, there would also be heat (the donkey gets hot), and the energy it expends complaining.