Do the weights match the centripetal forces?

Do the weights match the centripetal forces?

No. Centripetal force and weight are unrelated except that they both are forces that act on masses in rotational motion while on the surface of planets. Centripetal force is the required inward radial force that keeps a body in circular motion.

What does not affect centripetal force?

Where is the centripetal acceleration on an object, is the velocity of an object, and is the radius in which the object moves in a circle. We can see that mass does not play a role in the centripetal acceleration of an object, so no matter what happens to the mass, the centripetal acceleration remains the same.

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Does centripetal force change in uniform circular motion?

To summarize, an object in uniform circular motion experiences an inward net force. This inward force is sometimes referred to as a centripetal force, where centripetal describes its direction. Without this centripetal force, an object could never alter its direction.

Why does mass not affect circular motion?

In motion the acceleration is the rate of change of velocity , so it has nothing to do with the mass, mass affects the force that acts on the object according to Newton second law of motion.

How does weight and radius affect centripetal force?

Mass, velocity, and radius are all related when you calculate centripetal force. The equation shows that if you increase mass or speed, you’ll need a larger force; if you decrease the radius, you’re dividing by a smaller number, so you’ll also need a larger force. …

How does centripetal force cause circular motion?

How does a centripetal force cause circular motion? It acts at a right angle to the object’s motion and causes the object to constantly change direction. It acts at a right angle to the object’s motion and causes the object to constantly change speed.

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How is centripetal force related to circular motion?

As an object moves in a circle, it is constantly changing its direction. For objects in uniform circular motion, the net force and subsequent acceleration is directed inwards. Circular motion requires a net inward or “centripetal” force. Without a net centripetal force, an object cannot travel in circular motion.

Why is an object in uniform circular motion experiencing centripetal acceleration?

An object undergoing uniform circular motion is moving with a constant speed. Nonetheless, it is accelerating due to its change in direction. The net force acting upon such an object is directed towards the center of the circle. The net force is said to be an inward or centripetal force.

What changes uniform circular motion?

Velocity of the body changes continuously in uniform circular motion. Accelerating objects – either the velocity (i.e. the magnitude of the velocity vector) or the direction are objects which change their velocity. An object that is subject to uniform circular motion travels at a constant velocity.

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How is centripetal force related to radius?

Centripetal force is perpendicular to velocity and causes uniform circular motion. The larger the F c , the smaller the radius of curvature r and the sharper the curve.

Is centripetal force inversely proportional to radius?

If the constant thing is its angular velocity, then centripetal force is proportional to the radius. If the thing which remains constant is the speed of the moving object, then the centripetal force is inversely proportional to the radius.