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Can work done by a force be zero?

Can work done by a force be zero?

Yes, work done can be zero even if force acts on the body. For example- If a person applies a force of 100 N on a wall but it doesn’t move at all, work done is zero. Hence proved. Where is the angle between the direction of force and displacement.

Under what conditions is the work done by a force zero?

Zero work. When force and displacement are perpendicular to each other, or when force or displacement is zero.

What are the examples of zero work done?

1) A simple example of zero work is when you stand holding a bag in your hands and do not move it. Your hands apply a force on the bag to balance the force of gravity exerted on it but since there is no displacement of the bag, the work done on it by you (your force) and also the gravity is zero.

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When work done by a force is positive?

Positive work is done by a force when the displacement of the body is in the direction of the force applied whereas negative work is done by the force when the direction of the displacement of the body is opposite to the direction of the force.

What do you mean by zero work done?

ZERO WORK:The work done is said to be zero work when force and displacement are perpendicular to each other or when either force or displacement is zero. example: When we hold an object and walk,the force acts in downward direction whereas displacement acts in forward direction.

What is zero work done?

What is meant by zero work done?

Zero work is defined when force and displacement are perpendicular to one another and when force or displacement is zero. Example: The force acts in a downward direction, When we hold an object and walk, If you push a wall, it doesn’t move there’s no work done.

When work done by a force is negative?

Work done by a force applied on a body is: When the direction of motion of the body and the force acting on the body is opposite, work done is negative. When the force is acting at a right angle to the direction of motion of the body, work done is zero.

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When work done is positive negative and zero explain?

Hence, work is positive. Zero work – the work done is said to be zero when force and displacement are perpendicular to each other. Negative work done – The work done is said to be negative when force and displacement are in opposite directions. Hence, work is negative.

What is the example of zero work done?

What do you mean by work done by a force?

The work done by a force can be defined as the product of the displacement of an object and the component of the applied force which is in the direction of the object’s displacement.

What is an example of zero?

Zero is a numerical figure which is defined as the lack of any quantity. An example of zero is no cookies left in the jar.

When work done is zero work done?

When a force acts on a body but its net displacement remains zero, then the work is said to be zero. However, as the work done by a body is the scalar product of displacement and force, when the force applied and the displacement taking place are at right angles to each other, then we can say that the work done is zero.

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Is work done by the Sun on Earth equal to zero?

If the displacement is perpendicular to the direction of force or if it is zero then work done is equal to zero. So work done by the sun on earth is zero since centripetal force is perpendicular to the motion of the earth. But if the force is non conservative then work done by the force may be nonzero even in the case of zero displacement.

Is the net work done by both forces Zero?

Short answer: Yes. But as Studiot explained, the net work done by both forces is zero. Short answer: Yes. But as Studiot explained, the net work done by both forces is zero. I’m clearly missing something here.

Why work done by Air Force is zero at any point?

If a ball depends on the path like air force or any other force, work we given is loss on some point but when it returns, work done by air force is given to the work done is not zero at any other point in non conservative force Thanks for contributing an answer to Physics Stack Exchange!