
Why is not zero in the circular motion even if displacement is zero velocity?

Why is not zero in the circular motion even if displacement is zero velocity?

Explain . A5) No , it is not possible in straight line motion of particle having 0 speed and non-zero velocity because when speed is 0 , no distance will be covered by the body and displacement will also be 0 , Hence velocity will also be 0.

When an object moves in a circular path its displacement is zero Why?

The work done by a object in the circular path is zero, because, in case of circle, the net displacement is always zero. Another reason being it zero, is in circular path, CENTRIPETAL FORCE ACTS on the along the radius of the circle, which is right angle to the motion of body.

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Is velocity 0 in uniform circular motion?

One such case is uniform circular motion where the direction of velocity varies smoothly as we move about the circle. Despite the constancy of speed, the direction of motion is changing and therefore the time rate of change of velocity is nonzero—which constitutes an acceleration.

Can displacement be zero even when distance is not zero give examples?

Yes. For example, a car travels from point A to B and then comes back. Suppose AB=5m. In this case, distance travelled is 10m, while the displacement is zero.

Does velocity change in circular motion?

To summarize, an object moving in uniform circular motion is moving around the perimeter of the circle with a constant speed. While the speed of the object is constant, its velocity is changing. Velocity, being a vector, has a constant magnitude but a changing direction.

Can displacement be zero even if distance is not zero explain with an example?

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Why is the work on an object moving with uniform circular motion zero?

Force in uniform circular motion is always perpendicular to the displacement and hence the angle between F and S is 900 always. After putting the value of θ. W=0. Hence, The work done in a uniform circular motion is always zero.

Does circular motion have zero displacement?

For circular motion, the energy remains the same as for linear motion because no displacement has occurred due to the centripetal force. The only acceleration that takes energy (and thus causes displacement) is that which changes the magnitude of the velocity.

Why does velocity change in uniform circular motion?

Note that, unlike speed, the linear velocity of an object in circular motion is constantly changing because it is always changing direction. We know from kinematics that acceleration is a change in velocity, either in magnitude or in direction or both.

Why a body having uniform velocity has zero acceleration?

Acceleration defines change of velocity of a body in a unit time interval. If the body has uniform velocity, it means velocity is not changing. So the change in velocity is zero. In other words, its acceleration is zero.