What is the difference between WADL and WSDL?

What is the difference between WADL and WSDL?

1. WADL is an XML file-format, whereas WSDL is an XML language for describing web services. 2. WADL is a machine-readable description of HTTP based REST web services.

How do you get a WADL?

By default, a basic WADL is generated at runtime and can be accessed from your REST web service by adding a GET to the /application. wadl resource at the base URI of your REST application. For example: GET http:///application.wadl .

What contains WADL?

WADL is a XML description of a deployed RESTful web application. It contains model of the deployed resources, their structure, supported media types, HTTP methods and so on. In a sense, WADL is similar to the WSDL (Web Service Description Language) which describes SOAP web services.

Is WADL used?

WADL is intended to simplify the reuse of web services that are based on the existing HTTP architecture of the Web. WADL is the REST equivalent of SOAP’s Web Services Description Language (WSDL), which can also be used to describe REST web services.

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Do we have WSDL for RESTful Web services?

The publication of WSDL 2.0, which was designed with REST Web services in mind, as a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommendation means there is now a language to describe REST Web services.

What’s a Wadl file?

A Web Application Description Language (WADL) document is a machine-readable XML description of HTTP-based web applications (typically REST web services). WADL models the resources provided by a service and the relationships between them.

How do I access Wadl from my browser?


  1. WADL is acronym for Web Application Description Language. WADL is championed by Sun Microsystems.
  2. Step 1 − Double-click the REST service – “sample-service”. It will open the Service Overview wizard.
  3. Step 2 − Click Service Endpoints.
  4. Step 3 − Click WADL- Content.

How do I import Wadl into SoapUI?

To select the WADL file from hard drive, click Import WADL:

  1. In the dialog, you enter file name or URL of WADL definition of your RESTful web service.
  2. SoapUI Open Source supports Swagger definitions ver.
  3. Here you can see items of the REST service project:
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Why is WADL needed?

The purpose of WADL is to define a contract. Contract specifies how one party can call another. When you create a web application from scratch, you don’t need contract and WADL.

Do REST Web services use WSDL?

WSDL files exist only for SOAP web services, not for REST based services. REST services have a WADL file which you can see referenced in section 5 of the tutorial. When you say “share the web service” with developers, what do you mean – do you want them to be able to recreate the service or use the service?

Why is Wadl needed?

Why SOAP is more secure than REST?

#2) SOAP is more secure than REST as it uses WS-Security for transmission along with Secure Socket Layer. #3) SOAP only uses XML for request and response. #4) SOAP is state-full (not stateless) as it takes the entire request as a whole, unlike REST which provides independent processing of different methods.

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Is there a WADL tool for pure REST API?

Actually there are few very useful tools utilizing WADL, you can see some examples here. The problem with the “pure” REST, as described in Fielding’s dissertation, is writing clients supporting Hypermedia (imagine writing Java Swing-based client application for example).

What is the purpose of WADL in web development?

The purpose of WADL is to define a contract. Contract specifies how one party can call another. When you create a web application from scratch, you don’t need contract and WADL.

WADL is a description of a web service API, a little like WSDL is for SOAP type web services, that is designed to be more in tune with RESTful interfaces (something WSDL is poor at).

What is the difference between WADL and rest?

REST specifies nothing about WADL. When you want to expose the REST services ,the best way is to generate WADL and share with consumer (similar to WSDL in SOAP based web services).WADL is used to describe service all in on place. WADL is not necessary to use.