
Do journalists read press releases?

Do journalists read press releases?

Journalists are using press releases actively – in fact, their use has even increased in recent years. 85\% of survey responders had read a press release within the last 24 hours. Only a small number of journalists use the press releases they receive as such.

How often should you do a press release?

One thing that never changes is our desire to keep up with the news. These days, most people prefer to read their news online. According to Pew Research, 89\% of Americans get at least some of their local news online. And, it’s not just consumers who are reading the news online.

Are press releases still relevant?

“Press releases are still as important as they were in the past, but they cannot be siloed and need to be integrated within a diverse marketing, public relations, and advertising strategy.” Katie Bisson, marketing manager, Technology Seed.

How many press releases do journalists receive a day?

If you times that by eight during a working day, then that can be around 300–400 press releases. And that’s not including the ones that Elizabeth and the other reporters get sent directly. So, even being conservative, the newsroom at The Lincolnite can receive upwards of 500–600 press releases per day.

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Why do journalists ignore news releases?

Journalists aren’t interested in you or your organisation; they’re interested in covering great stories that are a perfect fit for their audience. So anything that sounds like you’re just trying to plug your company – rather than provide compelling content – is an instant turn off.

Are press releases worth?

Press releases are still a legitimate way to help tell company stories, educate potential clients and customers, and secure earned media coverage.

How early should you send out a press release?

The best time to send a press release is between 10 am and 2 pm—this is when editors open about one-third of all the emails they’ve received. Early mornings are less effective: open rates drop to 20.5\% between 6 and 10 am.

Do private companies do press releases?

A privately-held company is under no obligation to release details of its financial performance, but that doesn’t mean it can’t beat its own chest. Putting out a press release at the end of each quarter touting impressive sales, expansions, new hires, new products, and other routine business news is a good idea.

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Is Ein Newswire good?

EIN Presswire is great! It is a very easy process to prepare our press releases and to link in the various functions such as images, videos, links, social media, etc. And, the press release report is very detailed and provides a quick and easy way to find out pick-ups across all media.

Is Friday a good day for press release?

If possible, avoid Wednesdays, Fridays, and weekends, when it’s difficult or almost impossible to get the editors’ attention. Hourwise, avoid afternoons (2pm-6pm) and early mornings.

What is the best day to put out a press release?

Thursday between 10 am – 2 pm is generally considered to be the ideal time and day to send out a release, as it has the biggest chance of being opened; if it contains relevant news, you can have it published in no time.

What are the qualities of a good press release?

Here are some characteristics of successful press releases:

  • It’s nimble. Successful messages are built to fit multiple formats.
  • It’s atomized. Your audience doesn’t live in one place, and neither should your press releases and other content.
  • It’s useful. Content needs to interest, inform, or entertain the audience…

How often should you send out a press release?

People would notice you enough to know what your brand is, but not to the point where they feel annoyed, which would be the case if you sent out a press release every week. Each new press release signifies an updated effort while simultaneously building upon past successful releases.

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What is the purpose of a press release?

The purpose of a press release is to get your news in front of as many people as possible. Many companies see success by posting a press release to the wire, where it will be sent out to thousands of publications and ultimately reposted other places online.

How many days a week do you read the newspaper?

Three days a week. I read less of it now then I did 5 years ago. A lot of the news is old news now with internet. But really, if you dont read at least one local community newspaper, I would argue you are uninformed on community events and issues that actually do have impact on your daily life.

Should you post a press release to the wire?

The purpose of a press release is to get your news in front of as many people as possible. Many companies see success by posting a press release to the wire, where it will be sent out to thousands of publications and ultimately reposted other places online. But how do you really get some attention with this tactic?