
Who was a better king of the North Robb or Jon?

Who was a better king of the North Robb or Jon?

1 Jon Snow: Won Winterfell Back From The Boltons Robb Stark’s reign was brief and unsuccessful. Jon is crowned king by the Northerners as the Stark flag finally flies once more from the walls of Winterfell.

Who is better Jon Snow or Robb Stark?

Originally Answered: Who is a better military commander, Robb Stark or Jon Snow? Robb Stark was the better military commander. Jon Snow is very good but Robb Stark is even better.

Which king in the north scene was better?

Jon’s, because unlike Robb, who was born to be the King of Winterfell, and already had all the houses and their armies pledged to his father, Jon actually earned that title. Jon built an army with little more than courage and sheer purpose.

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Did Robb Stark want the Iron Throne?

Robb doesn’t want the Iron Throne, just revenge on Joffrey for his father’s death. She is shocked to learn he doesn’t care which king takes the throne after they defeat Joffrey (having declared for neither of the Baratheon brothers).

Is Jon Snow the best king?

Season 7 features a surprising discovery for the Seven Kingdoms; Jon Snow is the rightful heir of House Targaryen, not Daenerys. Many considered Jon to be the rightful King of Westeros thanks to his true parentage. Had House Targaryen reclaimed the throne, it would have made sense to see Jon seated on it.

Does Robb like Jon Snow?

Robb and Jon had a pretty healthy, affectionate relationship. Jon was made well aware that Robb was his “better,” so to speak, but there doesn’t seem to be much, if any, actual animosity there. Jon wanted to fight for Robb in good faith and loves all of his siblings.

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Did Robb wanna be king?

Robb became king at the request of his bannermen. He did what was needed, not what he wanted to do. Robb was an excellent battle commander and he inspired loyalty in his men until the Karstark situation.

Who is Robb Stark promised to?

She’d promised the marriage of the King of the North to one of his own Frey daughters. We know that Robb Stark breaks this marriage pact by marrying sweet Talisa, a noblewoman from the city of Volantis he meets after the war of five kings.

How good of a fighter was Robb Stark?

Robb Stark grows up alongside Theon Greyjoy and learns his ways with him. He is taught well by his father and it becomes clear that he’s a highly skilled fighter when he is thrust into battle. In a fight, few are able to match Robb, with his technique being amongst the best.

Who killed Robb Stark’s wife?

Lord Roose Bolton
Lord Roose Bolton, personally killed the injured Robb Stark with a dagger thrust to the heart. “Lame” Lothar Frey, stabbed Queen Talisa Stark to death. Previously acted as envoy to lure the Tullys and Starks to the Twins. “Black” Walder Rivers, slit the throat of Catelyn Stark.

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Is Jon Snow named after Jon Arryn?

He is indeed named after Jon Arryn, Ned Stark’s mentor and second father. Here’s what Lord Godric Borrell tells Davos about the case: “At the dawn of Robert’s Rebellion [Ned Stark was here].