
Why Indian roads are not straight?

Why Indian roads are not straight?

On of the reason of not making roads straight especially the long ones is that if such a road is made there would be a montony while driving straight and the driver might get bored and feel sleepy . So to avoid this problem straight road paths are not generally preferred for long routes .

How safe are Indian roads?

Road traffic deaths have reached alarming levels across the world, with 1.35 million people dying in traffic accidents every year, but India’s road safety is the worst on record. Around 149,000 people lost their lives on Indian roads in 2018 alone.

What are Indian roads made of?

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In Jamshedpur, India, roads are created from a mix of plastic and bitumen. In Indonesia roads are also being built using a plastic-asphalt mix in many areas including Bali, Surabaya, Bekasi, Makassar, Solo, and Tangerang.

Who maintain roads in India?


Category Managing Authority Length (km)
National highways Ministry of Road Transport and Highways 151,000
State highways Public works department of state/union territory 186,528
District Roads Public works department of state/union territory 632,154
Rural roads Panchayats and PMGSY 4,535,511

Who constructed Delhi roads?

Public Works Department is the premier agency of Govt. of Delhi engaged in planning, designing, construction and maintenance of Government assets in the field of built environment and infrastructure development.

Who is responsible for city roads in India?

In India, state roads are maintained by the public works department of state/union territory whereas city roads come under the municipal corporations and municipalities.

Why India is so famous in the world?

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The country has brought the world diverse languages, famous actresses, and six seasons. India is the world’s largest democracy, with a 1.3 billion population. It is also the world’s second largest country, after China’s 1.4 billion population.

Why do Indian roads become dusty so easily?

But there too there is no dust (unless there is a sandstorm). The reason is the same – absence or presence of hard shoulders and pavements. Quite a few messages I received stated that Indian roads become dusty because trucks drive from non-tarred/muddy roads to main roads.

Why do roads in India have no hard shoulder?

As you can see that the typical road in India has no hard shoulder and it does not have kerb, a cement edge that prevents loose soil to break and come over the road. This causes dust to creep in in hot summers while mud and sludge in rains. On the other hand, consider this road in USA (typical of all western nations and where there are good roads):

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What is the dirty secret about unpaved roads?

In fact, the dirty secret about unpaved roads is that they have a poor ecological record. To begin with, even unpaved roads are so compacted that they allow very little water to soak in, unless they are specifically built and maintained to allow water to infiltrate.

Are unpaved roads really greener than paved roads?

I often hear the claim that unpaved roads are “greener” than paved roads because they are permeable (they allow rainwater to percolate instead of running off). In fact, the dirty secret about unpaved roads is that they have a poor ecological record.