
What would happen if two devices had the same address on the network?

What would happen if two devices had the same address on the network?

Your router uses those IP addresses to direct network traffic to the right devices. Because of this setup, no two devices can have the same IP address on one network. If this happens, the network becomes confused by the duplicate IP addresses and can’t use them correctly.

What kind of problems can arise when two hosts on the same Ethernet share the same hardware address?

Hosts are using hardware address to filter whether the packet is for them or not. So, they can discard the packets which do not belong to them. However, if the same hardware address is shared with other host, it is likely to receive wrong packets which can harm the host.

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What will happen if two devices on the same LAN using same MAC address assume one of those two devices is a router?

If the two devices are in different LANs then nothing will happen.

What would happen if two computers had the same public IP address and were on different networks?

Two computers can have the same IP address if they are on different networks and nothing happens in that case.

What happens if 2 devices have the same MAC?

If two devices have the same MAC Address (which occurs more often than network administrators would like), neither computer can communicate properly. On an Ethernet LAN, this will cause a high number of collisions. Duplicate MAC Addresses on the same LAN are a problem.

Why is it important for protocols configured on top of the Ethernet to have a length field in their header indicating how long the message is?

33) Why is it important for protocols configured on top of Ethernet to have a length field in their header? Because there is a minimum frame size, small messages have to be padded, meaning that the end of the frame is not necessarily the end of the message.

What is the baud rate of the standard 10 Mbps 802.3 LAN?

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What is the baud rate of the standard 10-Mbps 802.3 LAN? The Ethernet uses Manchester encoding, which means it has two signal periods per bit sent. The data rate of the standard Ethernet is 10 Mbps, so the baud rate is twice that, or 20 megabaud.

What would happen if 2 devices on your local area network have the same MAC Address?

Why do we need both IP and MAC Address?

So again, IP Addresses are logical and routeable addresses. And that’s why computers have both MAC Addresses and IP Addresses. MAC Addresses handle the physical connection from computer to computer while IP Addresses handle the logical routeable connection from both computer to computer AND network to network.

Can 2 computers share the same IP address?

As I understand it, two computers cannot have the same public (external) IP address unless they are connected via the same router. If they are connected via the same router, then they can have (share) the same public IP address yet have different private (local) IP addresses.

Why do I have 2 IP addresses?

It’s because your Ethernet (cable) network card and your WiFi network card is just that, two different network interfaces. That means that to function, each of them have to have an IP address, given by your router. It’s normal behaviour.

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Can multiple IP addresses be mapped to the same MAC address?

Finally, a side note: multiple IP addresses can be legitimately mapped to the same MAC address. In fact, this is standard practice in IPv6, where a server may have both an auto-generated IP address and an administrator-assigned one, both mapping to the same MAC address.

How can two PC’s have the same IP address?

4 How can two Pc’s have the same IP address? unless one of the pc is switched off, both will be in conflict over IP address, unless you gave one of them primary and one secondary ip. – NetAdm Aug 12 ’16 at 11:05

Can two devices have the same IP address and ARP spoofing?

Both devices could have the same IP address configured and as such no ARP spoofing is taking place. This would simply be an IP conflict, which does create issues but can’t be called ARP spoofing.

What happens if two devices are on the same LAN?

If the two devices are on the same LAN, I promise it would be one of the worst days of your life. Pray not to happen in your network. You will never forget this horrible day. I witnessed that before. For some silly reasons, a technician changed the MAC address of one of the router’s ports.