
Is there an age limit on friendship?

Is there an age limit on friendship?

Genuine friendship, regardless of age, brings about so many wonderful things to people. For one, there is an opportunity for people who have intergenerational friendships to share their knowledge. Intergenerational friendships enable older people to share firsthand knowledge, leave a legacy, and impart wisdom.

Does age matter in friendship?

Age really doesn’t matter when it comes to friendship. You should have friends of different age groups. When friends with your same age group messes up your life,Older Friends will give you advice. Younger friends will help you in understanding the technology and the trend better.

Is it okay for an 18 year old to be friends with a 14 year old?

No, it’s not bad at all unless you’re doing bad things to them(in which case, someone who would do bad things to you isn’t a friend in the first place). There’s nothing wrong with being friends with anyone of any age as long as you’re a good influence and don’t harm them. Age doesn’t always matter in friendship.

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Is it OK to be friends with someone younger than you?

there is nothing wrong or abnormal about having friends in different age groups than you. friendship should be barrier free. Originally Answered: Is it weird to have friends 5 years younger than you?

Is it normal to lose friends in 20s?

If you’re not losing friends then you’re not growing up. It is inevitable that you will lose friends who were once so dear and close to you at one point in your life. Why it more often than not happens in your 20s… well there’s a few reasons for that. Friendships are very circumstantial.

Can a 16 and 18 year old be friends?

There is no age restriction on friendship.

Can a 17 year old and 14 year old be friends?

It is not okay for a 14 year old to date a 17 year old. It is not ok for a 14 year old to be friends with a 17 year old. Even though there are only 3 years between them, those three years are a lifetime.

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