
Why do you like web development?

Why do you like web development?

Web development gives you the opportunity to express yourself creatively on the internet. Fortunately, the high demand, easy-to-learn, fun-to-experience life of a web developer is always a great choice for someone ready to have an exciting career in code.

Are web developers real programmers?

Web developers have no knowledge of data structures or algorithms. Web developers are not real programmers. It’s true, I didn’t take a compilers or operating systems course. Web development is easy, web developers are the lowest of the low, web developers don’t understand just how easy they have it.

Is web development a happy career?

Web developers are about average in terms of happiness. At CareerExplorer, we conduct an ongoing survey with millions of people and ask them how satisfied they are with their careers. As it turns out, web developers rate their career happiness 3.3 out of 5 stars which puts them in the top 43\% of careers.

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Why do you love being a web designer?

Work on the Web. Being a Web designer enables you to not only work with websites every day but also to shape the way people interact with the Web. The Web is always exciting because the industry changes frequently—best practices emerge and are fine-tuned, trends take hold and technology updates.

Why do you love coding?

Programming is very versatile – you have to see the big picture, understand what the customer needs, how people behave and how business, technology and the world work. Coding is full of that feeling. It’s about dividing big problem into small sub-problems or tasks and solving them one by one.

Why is Web Development looked down on?

I think the reason web development (or web programming as you call it) is looked down on, (if it really is) amongst programmers might be because most programmers perceive web development to be relatively simpler compared to more complex programming like Linux kernel.

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Why is website development important?

Website development is the key to making those things happen. Website development is a way to make people aware of the services and/or products you are offering, understand why your products are relevant and even necessary for them to buy or use, and see which of your company’s qualities set it apart from competitors.

Why is Apple so important to software developers?

Apple provides the whole solution, so they are kinda obligated to provide support as well. Most developers are perfectly capable to troubleshoot their computers, but sometimes it can be nice knowing that you can count on people who know the system inside and out.

Why do you want to be a web designer?

As a web designer I have the power to do big things. I can connect people, friends, families, I can make ’em happy, give them something to do before they fall asleep, I can make things that only God could.

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Why do you use Unix as a developer?

There is a ton of developer software that works right off the box, and because it’s a Unix system, it comes with myriad tools that can be combined to accomplish complex tasks. Getting a new machine in the morning and knowing that I can have everything I need up and running in a few minutes is huge for me.”