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What is the oldest language in Europe still spoken today?

What is the oldest language in Europe still spoken today?

Euskera is the oldest living language in Europe. Most linguists, experts and researchers say so. Euskera is a very old language whose origins remain unknown. Renowned linguists and historians believe that it can be the direct descendant of the language spoken by the dwellers of the caves of Altamira, Ekain or Lascaux.

What is the 1st spoken language in the world?

As far as the world knew, Sanskrit stood as the first spoken language because it dated as back as 5000 BC. New information indicates that although Sanskrit is among the oldest spoken languages, Tamil dates back further.

What language is most spoken in Europe?

English is still the most spoken language in the EU by far, with German now spoken by 36\% of citizens and French spoken by 29\% of the EU’s new smaller population of 446 million people. Italian comes fourth at 18\%, followed by 17\% for Spanish.

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What country has the oldest language in Europe?

The Albanian language is amongst the oldest in Europe and even in the world. As can be seen from the Language Tree, the Albanian language stems from the Indo-European trunk and goes on its own as a distinctive off-shoot of the European Languages branch.

What is the oldest language still spoken in Europe?

If we look for the language with the oldest record in Europe, than there is no question. It is Greek. The Linear B tablets of Pylos were written ca. 1500 BCE in Greek.

What is the origin of the European languages?

By contrast, nost European languages are part of the “Indo-European” language which includes Ancient Greek, Latin, the Celtic and Germanic languages, Farsi and Sanskrit; this group as a whole is thought to have emerged in south-central Asia between 8 and 9 thousand years ago.

What is the oldest language still spoken in Iran?

Persian ( also known as Farsi) the language of the Achaemenid Empire is one of the oldest languages that is still being spoken in parts of Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan. The Persian language that is being spoken today or the Modern Persian evolved from Old Persian around 800 CE and has mostly remained the same with small changes.

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How many people speak a different language in Europe?

Out of a total European population of 744 million as of 2018, some 94\% are native speakers of an Indo-European language; within Indo-European, the three largest phyla are Romance, Germanic, and Slavic with more than 200 million speakers each, between them accounting for close to 90\% of Europeans.