
Is it 1 feet or 1 foot?

Is it 1 feet or 1 foot?

The addition of “tall” is not required in everyday conversation. For all other meanings of “foot,” we use “foot” for the singular form and “feet” for the plural.

What is difference foot and feet?

What is the difference between Feet and Foot? Foot is a unit of measurement in the imperial system while feet is its plural. Foot is one leg whereas when we talk about both legs we refer to them as feet.

Is it 5 foot or 5 feet?

You’re absolutely right about ‘five foot tall’; if you’re talking to someone or writing and don’t need to be formal, saying that you’re ‘five foot tall’ is fine. However, to say you are ‘five feet tall’ is correct and is probably safer when you’re writing in English.

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Is it 6 foot or 6 feet?

If you’re talking about the height of a person, it’s six feet. However, if you’re adding an additional number, like 6′2 for example, You would say “He/She is six-foot two.”

Is it 30 foot or 30 feet?

I’d say that when you use ‘foot’ as an ADJECTIVE, you keep the singular, thus ‘a thirty-foot tree,’ NOT ‘a thirty feet tree’. On the other hand, when ‘foot’ is followed by adjectives describing measurement e.g. high, tall, deep, etc; you use ‘feet’, NOT foot (The tree is thirty feet tall).

Do you say 10 feet or 10 foot?

10 foot is informal. Many builders and tradespeople use it. If you want to be formal, say 10 feet. You will never be wrong if you say 10 feet.

Do you say 2 feet or 2 foot?

Rule “one foot, two feet”

Description: one foot, two feet
Message: ‘foot’ is the singular form of ‘feet’. Consider using foot.
Category: Grammar (ID: GRAMMAR)
Incorrect sentences that this rule can detect: I had a shoe on one feet. Correction suggestion: foot
Correct sentences for comparison: I had a show on one foot.
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Is it 7 foot tall or 7 feet tall?

When you say “The center for the Oklahoma State University Cowboys is 7 feet tall,” you’re using “feet” as a noun of measurement.

Is it 20 feet or foot?

“Foot is a singular noun,” Peter said as he used the 25-foot air hose at Curly’s Soonerco to inflate his tires. “The plural of ‘foot’ is ‘feet,’ and the hose is 25 feet long. But in this example, ‘foot’ is being used as part of the modifier for ‘hose.

Why do my feet hurt so bad?

Other causes: unlucky genes, arthritis, and flat feet. Heel pain — the No.1 reason people see a podiatrist — is usually caused by plantar fasciitis, inflamed tissue on the bottom of the foot.

What are the different types of feet?

The Roman Foot This is the most common type of food shape in the world,according to statistics.

  • The Square Foot This type of foot is less common than the one we just talked about.
  • The Greek Foot ( Morton’s Toe) This shape is more common than the one we just talked about and is characterized by the second toe longer than the others.
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    What are the problems with feet?

    Foot deformities are not unusual in newborns.

  • The cause may be FEMORAL ANTEVERSION,TIBIAL TORSION or METATARSUS ADDUCTUS,commonly called intoeing.
  • You may have a STRESS FRACTURE of the bones in your foot.
  • Your pain may be from DAMAGE TO THE SKIN OR TENDONS on top of the foot.
  • Is it feet or foot?

    • Foot is a unit of measurement in the imperial system while feet is its plural. • Foot is one leg whereas when we talk about both legs we refer to them as feet.