
Can historical truth be found out?

Can historical truth be found out?

While claiming that the historical truth does exist and can be found out, the author essentially refuses to ascertain one in all three cases he cited as the examples…, thus “establishing” a common place phenomenon: different nations or groups of people have different interpretations of the same events. Empty article!

Do narratives determine historical truth?

Narratives may determine historical truth insofar as they describe the perception of groups or nations as they exist objectively, but the historical veracity of the facts which those narratives depict do not derive necessarily from them. They may be objectively true or false. This is not to belittle the importance of historical narratives.

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What is the difference between historical truth and interpretation?

In this context, a distinction ought to be drawn between Historical truth and interpretation. The first is objective and the latter is subjective. The first refers to a fact, which can be determined as true, at least in principle, by empirical study, whereas the latter entails an explanation of the fact in question.

Does the inability to discover the truth negate its objective existence?

However, the inability to discover the truth does not negate its objective existence. In this context, a distinction ought to be drawn between Historical truth and interpretation. The first is objective and the latter is subjective.

What is the first lie mentioned in the Bible?

The Bible’s first recorded lie was when Satan misquoted God to Eve (Genesis 3:1). Jesus may have been referring to that when he confronted a group of Jews and said they belonged to their father, the devil. He then said the devil was the father of lies. You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desire.

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What does the Bible say about telling the truth?

Even if no one catches us doing something wrong or being dishonest, God wants us to tell the truth. After all, God knows the truth. Let’s look at what God says about telling the truth. As you will see, God’s standards are high.

Does God approve of lying in the Bible?

As you can see later in the Bible, God approved of her actions (Hebrews 11:31 and James 2:25). Let’s look at a third example of lying that God apparently approved of: Jonathan lied to his father, King Saul, to see if his father intended to harm or kill David (1 Samuel 20:4-29).