
What is special about the Coast Guard branch?

What is special about the Coast Guard branch?

The Coast Guard is a maritime, military, multi-mission service unique among the U.S. military branches for having a maritime law enforcement mission with jurisdiction in both domestic and international waters and a federal regulatory agency mission as part of its duties.

How old is the Coast Guard?

231 years (August 4, 1790)
United States Coast Guard/Age

How many lives does the Coast Guard save a year?

3,560 lives
In a single year, the Coast Guard: Responded to 19,790 Search and Rescue cases, saved 3,560 lives and more than $77 million in property.

When did the Coast Guard get its name?

1915 – The Revenue Cutter Service merges with the U.S. Life-Saving Service, and is officially renamed the Coast Guard, making it the only maritime service dedicated to saving life at sea and enforcing the nation’s maritime laws.

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Do Coast Guard carry guns?

The United States Coast Guard uses cutters and small boats on the water, and fixed- and rotary wing (helicopters) aircraft in the air. The Coast Guard employs various small arms including handguns, shotguns, rifles, and machine guns.

What is the Coast Guard symbol?

The Coast Guard seal is a pair of crossed anchors superimposed by a life ring with shield and surrounded by a line grommet. The Seal is for official use only and shall not be reproduced outside of the United States Coast Guard.

Who invented the Coast Guard?

Alexander Hamilton
In 1790, Alexander Hamilton established a service that has stood the test of time to become the modern Coast Guard. He was the first member of an unbroken long blue line that has marched forward for over 225 years.

Why are Coast Guard ships white?

The largest group of cutters, and the ones most people associate with the Coast Guard, are the white hulls dispatched for search and rescue; drug and migrant interdiction; port, waterway and coastal security; protection of living marine resources; defense readiness operations; and support for other Coast Guard …

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What is the Coast Guard color?

The Coast Guard mark consists of the Coast Guard emblem and a tri-colored band of Coast Guard blue (PMS 307 C), then white, then Coast Guard red (PMS 179 C).

Is the Coast Guard a flag?

The flag of the United States Coast Guard is white with a dark blue Great Seal of the United States; the shield on the eagle’s breast has a blue chief over vertical red and white stripes….Flag of the United States Coast Guard.

Proportion 5:4
Adopted January 28, 1964

What are the Coast Guard colors?

What are the benefits of the Coast Guard?

The United States Coast Guard provides extensive benefits to you and your family. Some of the benefits besides a nice salary are paid vacation, excellent training, GI Bill for education, and veteran benefits. Active Duty Guardians also receive health care, life insurance, money for housing, clothing and food allowances.

What does the Coast Guard do?

What does the Coast Guard do? Broadly speaking, the Coast Guard’s job is to protect U.S. waterways, ports and shorelines by enforcing U.S. laws and serving as a first responder on the water. According to the Coast Guard, the organization’s overarching mission is organized into six smaller areas of operational focus:

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What is Coast Guard information?

Coast Guard. The Coast Guard was established on January 28, 1915. The Coast Guard is charged with maritime security, safety, and stewardship. While the Coast Guard operates under the Department of Homeland Security during peacetime, during times of war, it can be transferred to the Department of the Navy, as it did in WWI and WWII.

Where is the US Coast Guard training center?

United States Coast Guard Training Center Cape May (TRACENCM) is the home of the Coast Guard enlisted corps and is the Coast Guard’s only enlisted accession point and recruit training center, located on 1 Munro Avenue, Cape May, New Jersey. 1 History of the training center.