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What does Freddy Krueger suffer from?

What does Freddy Krueger suffer from?

While it is established that Freddie Krueger was a child murderer, the backstory is that he’s afflicted with pedophilic disorder. His having a paraphilia provides depth to the character of Nancy Thompson.

What is Freddy Krueger weakness?

Freddy’s only weakness was being dragged into the real world. When he is in the dream world, Freddy Krueger has no weaknesses, as he cannot be killed in your dreams.

Why can Freddy enter dreams?

Freddy Krueger, being born of evil and going on to become one of the worst things a person can be, was a perfect target. So the Dream Demons possessed Freddy, giving him the power to terrorize children in their dreams.

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Is Freddy immortal?

Bottom line: Freddy Krueger is immortal, despite being able to die in the real world.

Is Freddy Krueger a child molestor?

In the original script, Freddy was a child molester. According to IMDb, the villain was changed to a child killer because producers wanted to avoid comparisons to a story in California about a series of child molestations at the time of filming.

Why is Freddy Krueger’s face burned?

His skin is scarred and burned as a result of being burned alive by the parents of Springwood, and he has no hair at all on his head as it presumably all burned off. In the original film, only Freddy’s face was burned, while the scars have spread to the rest of his body from the second film onwards.

Is Freddy afraid of fire?

Despite the fact that he sometimes uses it to kill his victims, Freddy appears to be afraid of fire (as it was by fire that he died his mortal death). If fire is used against him in a dream, he can be pulled into the waking world.

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Is Jason a ghost?

The Ghost Jason even seems to posses his gigantic zombie adult self, at the end of Part 8 when unmasked, grown Jason talks in child-Jason’s voice. (more likely) he was a ghost…or by Part 8 the filmmakers stopped caring at all about continuity.

Why does Freddy Krueger have knives for fingers?

Freddy created his iconic glove in the first installment of the series. Part of the gloves’ creation was seen in A Nightmare on Elm Street. Freddy used it mostly to slash or kill his victims. It had four blades, and the thumb was excluded.

Who won Freddy vs Jason?

Jason kills over 14 people in the first 45 minutes of the movie. This was the final film from either the Nightmare or Friday franchises that followed the original plot before the reboot films. Although the ending to the movie is ambiguous, director Ronny Yu insists that he felt it was clear that Jason was the victor.

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What did Freddy do to Nancy?

Biography. Freddy Krueger was the Groundskeeper at Badham Preschool, a pedophile and child molester, and he had a more personal connection with the protagonist, Nancy Holbrook, as he molested her and the other preschoolers and she was his favorite.

Why did they make Freddy Krueger a child molestor?

6. In the original script, Freddy was a child molester. According to IMDb, the villain was changed to a child killer because producers wanted to avoid comparisons to a story in California about a series of child molestations at the time of filming.