Useful tips

What should I read after linear algebra done right?

What should I read after linear algebra done right?

My suggestions for more theoretical linear algebra texts are: Hoffman and Kunze….Some of the key ones are:

  • The spectral theorem on diagonalization.
  • Orthogonality and orthonormal bases.
  • The SVD.
  • The Fredholm alternative.

What should be read before linear algebra done right?

I would also recommend studying fields and the first few chapters of Friedberg or David. C. Lay before using linear algebra done right. This rigorous proofs are much more simple once you have encountered numerous standard practice questions allowing you to learn the computational techniques before proving them.

What is the best linear algebra course?

Best Linear Algebra Courses for Data Science and Machine Learning

  • Linear Algebra Refresher Course– Udacity.
  • Mathematics for Machine Learning: Linear Algebra– Coursera.
  • The Math of Data Science: Linear Algebra– edX.
  • Learn Linear Algebra-Khan Academy.
  • First Steps in Linear Algebra for Machine Learning– Coursera.
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Is college algebra the same as linear algebra?

College algebra is about learning the basics of elementary algebra. I.e. the basic rules for simplifying and using algebraic expressions. Linear algebra is the study of vector spaces. In particular, a focus on the properties and usage of matrices for dealing with problems involving systems of linear equations.

Can I learn linear algebra online?

Online Linear Algebra Courses and Programs Edx offers beginner and advanced courses designed to help you learn about linear algebra in an engaging and effective online learning environment complete with video tutorials, quizzes and more. Many courses are self-paced so you can enroll and start learning today.

Why linear algebra is important?

In simpler words, linear algebra helps you understand geometric concepts such as planes, in higher dimensions, and perform mathematical operations on them. It can be thought of as an extension of algebra into an arbitrary number of dimensions. Rather than working with scalars, it works with matrices and vectors.

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What should I learn first before linear algebra?

Everyone studies linear algebra first, and abstract algebra at some later time (if they study it at all). I recommend that you do the same. There is nothing that really prevents you from doing it the other way round, but linear algebra is a bit easier and much more useful both for physicists and mathematicians.