
Are your loved ones alive and well in the afterlife?

Are your loved ones alive and well in the afterlife?

Your loved ones are alive and well in the afterlife. Yes, it’s true that our physical bodies do expire/die. But our souls are eternal. Your deceased loved ones are very much alive and on the other side – heaven, if you will. You cannot die no matter how hard you try. Once you leave this body that we are born into,…

How to attain a higher level of existence in the afterlife?

To attain a higher plane of existence in the afterlife that is beyond Heaven in the afterlife, one needs to be at a spiritual level higher than 60\%. This can only be achieved by consistent spiritual practice according to the six basic laws of spiritual practice along with a major reduction in ego.

What happens to our souls when we die?

But our souls are eternal. Your deceased loved ones are very much alive and on the other side – heaven, if you will. You cannot die no matter how hard you try. Once you leave this body that we are born into, we return to heaven to meet up with our loved ones in the afterlife who have gone before us.

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Do our bodies expire/die?

Yes, it’s true that our physical bodies do expire/die. But our souls are eternal. Your deceased loved ones are very much alive and on the other side – heaven, if you will. You cannot die no matter how hard you try.

Is there life after death and will we go to Heaven?

Scientists finally prove there IS life after death but we might not be going to heaven. A team of British researchers have “confirmed” that consciousness can go on when someone dies but the study also uncovered some disturbing aspects of the so-called afterlife.

What happens to subtle bodies in life after death?

It is important to note that subtle bodies in their life after death at the borderline of just 40\% and thereabouts often get pulled back by negative energies and hence remain in the Nether world ( Bhuvarlok ).

Is it possible to meet your pets in the afterlife?

Hence, it is highly unlikely to meet pets in the afterlife. If at all one does see one’s pets either by subtle vision or when one dies and goes to the afterlife, it is most probably an illusion caused by a higher level negative energy such as a subtle- sorcerer to deceive one.

Can deceased loved ones see everything?

Yes, they can see everything. However, they are free from their bodies and very much evolved and enlightened. They no longer care about the material or the physical in that specific way. Please, have showers and take baths. Your deceased loved ones don’t care, and your friends and family will appreciate it.

What is afterlife TV about?

Bob Olson talks about suicide and the afterlife. Afterlife TV is presented by Afterlife Investigator & Psychic Medium Researcher Bob Olson, who is the author of Answers about the Afterlife: A Private Investigator’s 15-Year Research Unlocks the Mysteries of Life after Death.

What happens to your loved ones when you die?

Your loved ones are alive and well in the afterlife Yes, it’s true that our physical bodies do expire/die. But our souls are eternal. Your deceased loved ones are very much alive and on the other side – heaven, if you will. You cannot die no matter how hard you try.

Do I need a medium to talk to my deceased loved ones?

As a medium, I’m often asked a variation of “Please tell my ______ I love her.” You don’t need a medium to do so. Your deceased loved ones can hear you perfectly fine. I repeat you do not need a medium to talk to them. I’d highly recommend trying out my T.A.L.K. method from my book Afterlife.


What does the Bible say about the afterlife?

With the spread of Christianity over the past 2,000 years, that thought has become ever more central, though NPR says that the afterlife isn’t really mentioned in the Bible’s Old Testament. Furthermore, according to Time, the New Testament’s idea of the afterlife can be surprising, with a more terrestrial focus on Heaven on Earth.

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Are your deceased loved ones alive in spirit?

They aren’t “dead.” Your deceased loved ones are very much alive in spirit. They are still loving and very interested in the goings-on of your life. Yes, my friend, they are very much alive. They can see and hear you and they know what is going on in your life.

Is it irrational to believe in an afterlife?

Surely it’s as irrational to believe in an afterlife as it is to believe that the world was created in seven days, or that illnesses are caused by evil spirits? However, it’s important to detach the idea of life after death from a religious background.

How many Americans don’t feel they fit the gender they’re born with?

April 22, 2015 — As many as hundreds of thousands of Americans don’t feel they fit the gender they were born with, and some take steps to change that. People who wish to live their lives as the opposite sex are known as transgender. A report from The Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law estimates that about 700,000 Americans identify this way.

How long does it take to transition from female to male?

Women making the transition to men take male hormones, or androgens. These hormones make them appear more masculine. The treatment: Female hormones can make men appear more feminine. This treatment: Some of the physical changes begin in as little as a month, though it may take as long as 5 years to see the maximum effect.