Should you forgive a family member who has hurt you?

Should you forgive a family member who has hurt you?

The most important thing to remember: Forgiving someone is by no means a necessity—especially if the offender is someone who could still pose a threat to your well-being. But if you find that you are ready to let go and forgive, know that it comes with a slew of health benefits, experts say.

Why do you need to forgive someone who is hurting you so much?

Forgiveness can even lead to feelings of understanding, empathy and compassion for the one who hurt you. Forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting or excusing the harm done to you or making up with the person who caused the harm. Forgiveness brings a kind of peace that helps you go on with life.

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Should you always forgive family?

Your body and your mind have to work harder to accommodate all that negativity, which eventually causes damage to both your mental and physical health. By forgiving family members, letting go of grudges and releasing the past, your mind and body can become free and healthy.

How do you forgive a family member who hurts you?

Here are eight ways to work on that.

  1. Get mad, feel hurt and grieve.
  2. Ask yourself whether your anger is constructive or destructive.
  3. Don’t worry—you aren’t saying the offense was OK.
  4. Practice stress-reduction techniques.
  5. Remind yourself why you want this person in your life.
  6. Set boundaries.

What does the Bible say about forgiving someone who isn’t sorry?

As we have been forgiven, we must also forgive. Matthew 6:14-15 (Right after the Lord’s prayer, by the way), Jesus tells us: For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

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Why is it important to forgive family members?

Grudges, arguments, resentment and anger can make gatherings difficult for everyone. The stress of family rifts can take a toll not only on you, but the rest of your relatives as well. When it comes down to it, the biggest reason that you should forgive family members is because life is too short.

What does it mean to forgive someone who has hurt you?

When you choose to forgive those who hurt you, it releases the other person to God. It means you trust Him to mete out justice in His way and in His time.

How does forgiving family members affect your mental health?

Your body and your mind have to work harder to accommodate all that negativity, which eventually causes damage to both your mental and physical health. By forgiving family members, letting go of grudges and releasing the past, your mind and body can become free and healthy.

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What happens when you are unforgiving of relatives?

If you are unforgiving of relatives and others, your children will grow up with feelings of anger and resentment as well, causing difficulties in school, friendships, personal relationships and all aspects of their lives.
