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When did ee cummings write love is more thicker than forget?

When did ee cummings write love is more thicker than forget?

January 1939
In a short poem, there is great complexity. Originally published in January 1939, love is more thicker than forget has been called one of the more noteworthy love poems of the 20th century, often appearing on greeting cards.

Who is the author of love is more thicker than forget?

E. E. Cummings
[love is more thicker than forget] by E. E. Cummings | Poetry Magazine.

What is the meaning of love is more thicker than forget?

This poem focuses on eros love because is focuses on the confusing feelings that the stages of eros love has on the way to pragma. The contradicting nature of the poem expresses that love is not one thing or the other, it’s thick but also thin and sane but also mad.

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What is the tone of the poem somewhere I have never Travelled?

The poem details the profound feelings of love that the speaker has for his beloved, and his wonder over this mysterious power that the woman has over him. Over the course of the short poem, the speaker examines and praises this power, and notes how his beloved has transformed him.

What does Moonly mean?

Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the Moon; lunar.

What is the meaning of somewhere I have never Travelled?

gladly beyond
“somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond” begins with the title words. The words, “somewhere” and “travelled” imply that the speaker is about to tell the reader about a journey that he has taken or will take.

How does the poet create the mood in somewhere I have never Travelled?

Through extended comparisons to a flower, e. e. cummings creates a mood of tenderness mingled with apprehension; it feels like early spring. The speaker conveys the deep love, even reverence that they feel for their beloved.

What’s the meaning of I love you to the moon and back?

I love you to the moon and back, sometimes shortened to love you to the moon and back, is used to express the vastness of one’s affection for another.

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What does Sunly mean?

Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the Sun; solar.

What figure of speech is your eyes have their silence?

your eyes have their silence – the speaker is talking to another person, who has silent eyes. Personification: Eyes are regarded as a window into a person’s soul. Silence implies that he cannot read the emotions conveyed by this person’s eyes.

What does the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses mean?

The speaker does not want to know. He is caught up in the mystery of the woman’s power and knows only that “something in me understands / the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses).” Previously in the poem, the speaker has equated his lover’s power to the power that spring has to open a rose.

What does the speaker compare his beloved to in somewhere I have never Travelled?

The speaker describes his beloved “opening” him “petal by petal”in the same way that a “Spring” opens “her first rose.” This simile compares the speaker to a rose, with his lover compared to “Spring” (personified as a female being here, no less).

Is Love more thicker than forget by E Cummings?

But as a sweet disposition, the poet E. E. Cummings wrote an extravagant poem titled “Love is More Thicker Than Forget”, consisted of only four versus with end rhymes on every other line that describe love as just the way it is.

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How does ee cummings describe love in his poem?

On the same token, E.E. Cummings expresses love’s infinitude by stating that it is “higher than the sky.” [love succeeds! it blooms. but is often belittled. it can be both forgiving and resentful.]

Is the poem Love is more thick than forget an oxymoron?

Almost the whole poem is a metaphor. “love is more thicker than forget” is a metaphor. So is “it is most sane and sunly.” Oxymorons = The contrast between the second and last verses are oxymorons. “love is more thicker than forget / more thinner than recall” is also an oxymoron, because the two phrases are saying opposite things.

What is the meaning of Love is more thicker than forget?

Summary Response: “Love is More Thicker Than Forget” by E.E. Cummings. In this case, the second verse represents a strong relationship because it states that even though love can be mad in terms of personal temperament, love is deep on a level that makes a relationship more profound and intimate. In the third verse, E. E.