Useful tips

Should API be on separate server?

Should API be on separate server?

Unless your web application is 100\% client-side code, you should split it into a backend API and a frontend client. In this breed of application, your business logic and user interface are one entity running on a server. However, making your web application have a separate frontend and backend has many great benefits.

What is the benefit of shared hosting?

Shared Hosting Can Scale Shared hosting works best for new sites and small sites that don’t see much traffic. That allows them to remain within the limits established by many users drawing from a shared server’s finite resources and allows sites room to grow – to an extent.

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What is host API?

host is the domain name or IP address (IPv4) of the host that serves the API. It may include the port number if different from the scheme’s default port (80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS).

Where can I host an API for free?

Here’s the list of free application hosting providers,

  • Netlify –
  • DomainRacer –
  • Github Pages –
  • Vercel –
  • Render –
  • Surge –
  • Tiiny Host –
  • Heroku –

Should frontend and backend be hosted separately?

Separating the servers would help the performance too (although it is NOT mandatory). The frontend “server” will only serve static files, so the presentation/UI will arrive faster and appear more responsive to end-users. And it will ease the backend “server” too by serving less data.

What is shared hosting and how does it work?

What is shared hosting? Shared hosting, also referred to as virtual hosting, is a way to host your website on a single physical server that also hosts additional sites. Within the server, there are software applications that make managing and accessing your website easy. The shared hosting environment is like sharing a highway with other cars.

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How can I host an API server on my own router?

Set it up with LAMP and do all your API hosting there. This means you’ll be your own host. And it will be absolutely free. You’ll need to give this server a static IP address from your router, and put this IP address in the DMZ settings on your router.

What are the disadvantages of shared web hosting?

Nevertheless, one of the notable disadvantages of shared web hosting is the fact that basic plan of most of shared hosting plans lets you host single domain name and it is a problem for those, who want to have many sites or blogs. In most cases, what restrains them from doing so is tightness of their budget!

What is the cheapest way to host a REST API?

As a startup (I’m assuming you are not at massive scale already), the cheapest way for you to host your REST API is to use Amazon’s API Gateway. You pay for what you use and pay nothing if it is not being used.