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What word has a negative connotation?

What word has a negative connotation?

The words cheap, arrogant, nosy, stubborn, lazy, and pushy all have negative connotations. To identify the connotation of these words, it is important to consider the feeling that is attached to these words.

Is Hipster a negative word?

TL;DR: Depends on context. Calling someone a hipster in a pointed way (of course you’d have that opinion, hipster) is most definitely negative, but most words when said like that (of course you’d have that opinion, police officer) have a negative connotation. Otherwise, it’s neutral.

Does the word weird have a negative connotation?

The sense of weird that is used most often is the informal usage given in the first definition in that dictionary, which I have put in boldface here: 1 suggesting something supernatural; uncanny. informal very strange; bizarre. That certainly has negative connotations from my point of view.

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Is Apexs a word?

noun, plural a·pex·es, a·pi·ces [ey-puh-seez, ap-uh-]. the tip, point, or vertex; summit. climax; peak; acme: His election to the presidency was the apex of his career.

What are positive and negative connotations?

Connotation is an idea or feeling that a word evokes. If something has a positive connotation, it will evoke warm feelings. Meanwhile, something with a negative connotation will make someone feel less than pleasant.

Is Trevor a hipster?

Maybe you’re not a classic garden variety hipster, but you’re what the hipsters aspire to be. You, Trevor, are the proto-hipster.

What is an anomalous?

adjective. deviating from or inconsistent with the common order, form, or rule; irregular; abnormal: Advanced forms of life may be anomalous in the universe. not fitting into a common or familiar type, classification, or pattern; unusual: He held an anomalous position in the art world.

What does quirky mean?

Full Definition of quirky : having many quirks : unusual in especially an interesting or appealing way a quirky sense of humor quirky ideas/behavior a quirky and creative artist …

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What does apex mean for kids?

the highest point
apex. • the highest point, the point at the top of a shape.

What is Nadir opposite?

The direction opposite of the nadir is the zenith. A satellite ground track represents its orbit projected to nadir on to Earth’s surface.

What is an example of a negative connotation?

Negative connotations can impact the meaning of a word. For example, the words stubborn and persistent have similar denotations, or dictionary meanings, but the word stubborn has a negative connotation attached to it. What is an example of a negative connotation?

What is the connotation of group and clique?

Each of these words has a different connotative meaning, however. “Group” has a neutral connotation, because it simply describes a number of people. It does not inspire either positive or negative feelings. “Clique,” also means a group of people, but it carries a negative connotation.

What is the connotation of a word?

The connotation of a word cannot be found in the dictionary; yet, the connotation can impact whether that definition is perceived as negative, positive, or neutral. Negative connotation is the bad feeling or emotion that is connected to a word. Positive connotation is the good feeling or emotion that is connected to a word.

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What is the connotation of group of people?

Group has a neutral connotation. The word simply describes a number of people. It does not inspire either positive or negative feelings. Clique also means a group of people, but it carries a negative connotation.