
Should Long Lost be hyphenated?

Should Long Lost be hyphenated?

The rule is to hyphenate the adverb and adjective when they come directly before the noun described. However, long-lost is now written with the hyphen.

When should a hyphen be used?

Generally, you need the hyphen only if the two words are functioning together as an adjective before the noun they’re describing. If the noun comes first, leave the hyphen out. This wall is load bearing.

How do you use two hyphens in a sentence?

Two dashes can emphasize a modifier. Words or phrases that describe a noun can be set off with dashes if you wish to emphasize them. Example: The fairgrounds—cold and wet in the October rain—were deserted. Example: Nettie—her chin held high—walked out into the storm.

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How do you use a hyphen in writing?

The Hyphen

  1. Use a hyphen at the end of a line to divide a word where there is not enough space for the whole word.
  2. Use a hyphen to indicate a word spelled out letter by letter.
  3. Use a hyphen to join two or more words to form compound adjectives that precede a noun.
  4. Use a hyphen to avoid awkward doubling of vowels.

What is long-lost?

Definition of long-lost : lost a long time ago : not seen or found for many years a long-lost masterpiece that has recently been rediscovered He embraced his old friend like a long-lost brother.

What is another word for long-lost?

What is another word for long-lost?

forgotten gone
gone astray misplaced
irretrievable astray
undiscoverable undetectable
unlocatable disarranged

What’s a hyphen look like?

Alternatively known as a dash, subtract, negative, or minus sign, the hyphen ( – ) is a punctuation mark on the underscore key next to the “0” key on US keyboards. Pictured is an example of the hyphen and underscore key on top of the keyboard. Keyboard help and support.

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What are double hyphen used for?

Double dashes are used instead of commas (or parentheses) to interrupt a sentence. The phrase separated by dashes must be grammatically inessential, by which I simply mean that the sentence will still work without that phrase.

What is the longer dash called?

em dash
The dash (—), also called the em dash, is the long horizontal bar, much longer than a hyphen. Few keyboards have a dash, but a word processor can usually produce one in one way or another.

What is the example of hyphenated?

Use a hyphen to join two or more words that stand for a single adjective (describing word) before a noun. Examples: chocolate-covered donuts. well-known doctor.

What does long-lost father mean?

a long-lost person, especially a relative, is someone who you have not seen for a long time.

When is the word ‘long forgotten’ hyphenated?

“Long-forgotten” is hyphenated when it is used as an adjective preceding a noun and not hyphenated when used after the verb “to be” Thus:

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What is the meaning of the word long lost?

: lost a long time ago : not seen or found for many years a long-lost masterpiece that has recently been rediscovered He embraced his old friend like a long-lost brother. “Long-lost.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster,

Is there a hyphen in the word ‘long book’?

Here without a hyphen ‘long’ refers to ‘book’. So you are saying that the book is a long book – and forgotten. Although if this is your intention, you would normally put a comma after ‘long’. It is a long-forgotten book. Here you are saying that the book was forgotten a long time ago. ‘Long’ modifies forgotten, so it’s hyphenated.

What is the hyphen used for in a sentence?

The hyphen is a punctuation mark used to join words and to separate syllables of a single word. The use of hyphens is called hyphenation. The hyphen should not be confused with dashes, which are longer and have different uses, or with the minus sign, which is also longer in some contexts.