Can I publish article without affiliation?

Can I publish article without affiliation?

Yes, definitely you can publish papers without an institution name. You can put your home address. Generally, journals asked affiliation from the authors to confirm the availability of authors if anyone wants to contact you.

Should conference papers be counted as publication?

yes, it’s a publication. It is not exactly the same kind of publication as a journal publication, and depending on the field it may be viewed as less or more important than a journal publication, but it still counts as a publication.

Can you publish a paper you presented at a conference?

When an article is presented at a conference, it is generally not complete. It is also acceptable to present your published work at a conference. However, in this case, it is generally considered good practice to cite your published article and provide a link at the end of the presentation if it is avilable online.

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Are online articles considered published?

Under copyright law, “published” means you have made copies of the work available for distribution to the public. Also, in fact your computer technically makes a “copy” of the work when it displays the web page.

Are conference posters considered publications?

Is a presented poster in a conference can be considered as a publication for the authors? – Quora. No, generally not. It’s a conference presentation.

Is there anything wrong with presenting published data?

Answer: In most fields, it is an acceptable practice to present published research papers at a conference. However, when presenting a work that has already been published or accepted, there might be some restrictions on how you can reuse the material that has been published/accepted.

Is it acceptable to publish a conference abstract and an article based on it in two different journals?

Answer: It is perfectly acceptable to develop a conference abstract into a full-fledged article and submit it to a journal. This will not be considered duplicate publication even if the abstract and full article are published in two different journals.

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Is Instagram considered publishing?

A photographer posts an image to a social media site (e.g. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) If any copies of the image were distributed with the photographer’s authorization either by sale or other transfer of ownership, or by rental, lease, or lending, those copies could be considered published.

Is a blog considered published writing?

Many editors consider anything published anywhere at any time under any circumstances as published. This can even include public readings. With such editors, a poem posted anywhere counts as publication, whether it’s posted in a public forum or blog, or even a private, password-protected location online.

Is it ethical to publish a conference paper in a journal?

Conference proceedings are normally published as abstracts and not full article. So there remains no ethical problem in publishing a full paper to a journal I think yes, provided there should be considerable change in rewriting the paper and changed topic.

Can a paper published at a scientific meeting be considered for publication?

The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) policy “does not prevent journals from considering a paper that has been presented at a scientific meeting but was not published in full, or that is being considered for publication in a proceedings or similar format.” – http://www.icmje.org/publishing_4overlap.html

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Can I present at a conference but not publish the abstract?

If the journal editor is not okay with publishing the abstract, you can still make your presentation, but inform the conference organizers that you would not want it to be a part of the conference proceedings. 2. It is also fine to present at the conference, write the paper after the presentation and then submit it to the journal.

Can I develop a previously published conference paper into a manuscript?

So, it is okay to develop a previously published conference paper into a full-length manuscript and publish it in a journal later on. This is an acceptable practice, provided you clearly disclose the conference paper and include at least 30\% new material in the journal paper. It is also acceptable to present your published work at a conference.