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What does blindsight tell us about consciousness?

What does blindsight tell us about consciousness?

Into the brain Blindsight results from damage to an area of the brain called the primary visual cortex. For people with blindsight, this area is damaged and cannot properly process the information, so the information never makes it to conscious awareness.

What can you see with blindsight?

A monster with blindsight can perceive its surroundings without relying on sight, within a specific radius. Creatures without eyes, such as grimlocks and gray oozes, typically have this special sense, as do creatures with echolocation or heightened senses, such as bats and true dragons.

What is the best explanation for blindsight psychology?

Which is the best explanation of how blindsight can happen? Visual information from the eye is being processed unconsciously, so people with blindsight don’t know that they what they are visually processing.

What is an example of blindsight in psychology?

For example, Rob is functionally blind, yet he is able to identify the colors of super-balls placed in front of him at a much better rate than by chance alone. With the second type of blindsight, the person has some awareness of the stimulus but they don’t visually perceive it.

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How might a person use blindsight to function in a visual world?

People with blindsight have been tested for their ability to detect color differences, brightness changes, the ability to discriminate between various shapes, as well as tracking movement.

What is the best explanation for blindsight quizlet?

Does blindsight see hidden creatures?

But since an invisible creature only can’t be seen and a creature with blindsight perceives its surroundings without sight, there is nothing about invisibility to suggest blindsight does not perceive it.

Does blindsight see around corners?

No, Blindsight does not grant the ability to see through solid objects, such as walls, floors, and ceilings. A creature with blindsight can perceive its surroundings without relying on sight, within a specific radius.

Which scenario best describes the phenomenon of blindsight?

Which scenario best describes the phenomenon of blindsight? Possible Answers: An individual is unable to consciously perceive, yet can correctly answer questions about basic visual cues (eg: movement) above a percentage attributable to chance.

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What are the characteristics of blindsight?

The phenomenology of blindsight has two principal features. The first is blindness, or the loss of visual awareness associated with V1 damage. The second is the capacity of blind individuals to use unconscious visual signals to guide behavioral responses.

Is blindsight sensation or perception?

On the other hand, if we take a more classical scholastic perspective on sensation and perception and if we note Wittgenstein’s distinction between experience and knowledge, blindsight is a simple example of sensation dissociated from perception which leaves an experience (sensation) of objects in the visual field …

Why is blindsight controversial?

Control experiments Blindsight is a controversial issue. It has been suggested by its detractors that results such as those of our pointing experiments could be artefactual because subjects could use light scattering from the targets into unimpaired parts of their field, as a localized cue [18].

What is blindsight and how does it work?

People with blindsight have been tested for their ability to detect color differences, brightness changes, the ability to discriminate between various shapes, as well as tracking movement. Critically, people with blindsight have the conscious experience of blindness, often feeling like they are guessing despite their high level of accuracy.

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Does blindsight help or hurt the hard problem of consciousness?

The meaning of ‘consciousness’ in the formulation of the hard problem of consciousness, however, is very different. And in that context, the existence of blindsight does not appear to help the eliminative materialistic approach to the problem, or say anything about consciousness at all.

Can blindsight patients sense emotions in faces?

Despite their blindness, these people can somehow sense emotions in a face – and they even start to unconsciously mimic the expressions One of the first tasks was to test exactly what blindsight patients are capable of without their conscious visual awareness – and the results have been quite remarkable.

Is “perception” up to the task of explaining blindness?

In cases like blindsight, it becomes increasingly unclear whether our normal concepts such as “perception”, “consciousness” and “seeing” are up to the task of adequately describing and explaining what is really going on.