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How do you use consequence in a sentence?

How do you use consequence in a sentence?

: as a result of (something specified) She lost a lot of money in consequence of some risky investments. Hundreds of people became sick as a consequence of the poor sanitary conditions.

What is an example for consequence?

A consequence comes after, or as a result of something you do, for example, “He was given a traffic ticket as a consequence of running the red light.” A consequence is a “result” or “conclusion,” and the Latin sequī, “to follow,” is part of its history.

What is the another word for consequences?

1 outcome, issue, upshot, sequel. 4 moment, weight.

Can consequence be used as a verb?

(transitive) To threaten or punish (a child, etc.) with specific consequences for misbehaviour.

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Is a consequence always negative?

The consequence, or what happens right after your child’s behaviors, makes the behavior more or less likely to happen again. Consequences can be both positive and negative.

How do you explain consequences to a child?

Discipline: Teaching the Importance of Consequences

  1. Set expectations, not threats. Talk to your child about your expectations of their good behavior before a specific situation.
  2. Connect consequences. Work to connect specific consequences to specific behavior.
  3. Be consistent.
  4. Discuss consequences.
  5. Be positive.

What is the opposite word for consequence?

consequence. Antonyms: cause, causation, antecedence, premise, origin, datum, postulate, axiom, unimportance, insignificance, inconsequence, inconsecutiveness, irrelevance, meanness, paltriness. Synonyms: effect, issue, result, inference, coherence, deduction, conclusion, outcome, importance, note, moment, dignity.

What part of speech is the word consequence?

part of speech: noun. definition 1: that which follows; result. The tenant’s fall in the stairway was a direct consequence of the landlord’s neglect of the property.

When can a child understand consequences?

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Children are able to begin understanding consequences around age 6 and are much better at it around age 13. Parents and caregivers need to adjust their expectations accordingly. And consequences should never be given to punish children for their decisions.

How do you give consequences to a child?

How do you give consequences?

Here are a few guidelines for giving a consequence:

  1. Give the consequence immediately following the unacceptable behavior. Don’t give the consequence tomorrow or next week.
  2. Be clear. Your foster child may have a different definition of the task.
  3. Give brief choices.
  4. Be consistent.
  5. Follow through.

When should you use consequence?

One of the most important things about consequences is to use them as a response to your child’s behaviour, not to your child themselves. For example, let your child know the consequence is for hitting or breaking a family rule, not for being a disobedient child.

What are some good examples of consequences?

Here are some examples of negative consequences: Logical consequences. Logical consequences are directly related to the misbehavior. Ignoring. If your child exhibits attention-seeking behavior, like a tantrum, withdrawing attention may be the best negative consequence. Time-out.

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What is the word for consequences?

The simple meaning of the word consequence is: something that happens as a result of an action. The Daily Carrot Principle . Because it was unnecessary, it appears to strangers to be a deliberate and gratuitous slap at the selected group as a whole; and in consequence is inflamatory and perhaps callous.

What are the different types of consequences?

These kinds of effective consequences can be divided into two categories: natural and logical consequences. Natural consequences are things that happen on their own as a result of the child’s behavior. For example, losing your cell phone means that you no longer have a cell phone to use. Forgetting your homework means getting a zero.