
Which is stronger hope or fear?

Which is stronger hope or fear?

They both are strong, but fear is stronger. Fear is an emotion that causes you to lose many of your senses due to certain conditions, and become a person beyond what you normally are. Fear controls people more than hope.

Which is always stronger than fear?

Quote by Suzanne Collins: “Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.”

Why is hope the strongest emotion?

Having hope is crucial for our future. It helps us be resilient because it comes with the possibility that things can get better. Hoping that things will be better drives us to take action to make that happen.

Who said hope is the only thing stronger than fear?

Quote by Robert Ludlum: “Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.

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Why is hope the only thing stronger than fear?

It is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective. Because those in power, just like President Snow at the Capital, cannot give us too much hope. It’s dangerous to give too much hope because with hope comes confidence, with confidence comes strength, and with strength comes revolution.

Is hope a quality or emotion?

Hope is an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes with respect to events and circumstances in one’s life or the world at large. As a verb, its definitions include: “expect with confidence” and “to cherish a desire with anticipation.” It is an anticipatory emotion.

Is hope a feeling or a thought?

Hope – a feeling of optimism and anticipation about a positive future.

What is the only thing stronger than fear?

The Antidote For Fear At one point in the movie, President Snow and the Gamemaker have a discussion about why there is a winner of the games. President Snow’s answer is hope. He says, “It’s the only thing stronger than fear”.

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What does President Snow say is stronger than fear?

President Snow’s answer is hope. He says, “It’s the only thing stronger than fear”. President Snow goes on to say, “A little hope is effective, a lot of hope is dangerous. A spark is fine, as long as it is contained.”

What is the power of fear?

Fear is extremely powerful. Fear can back you into a corner where you have little room to fight the fight. Fear can entice you to make a regretful decision, keeping you anxious and worried to the point of exhaustion. Fear can convince you that you are incapable of succeeding or surviving.