
Who would win in a fight Archie Sonic or Wally West Flash?

Who would win in a fight Archie Sonic or Wally West Flash?

Against almost anybody else, Archie’s version of Sonic is practically unbeatable. But across a greater percentage of possible scenarios, Wally just happens to be the exception. Popup: Sonic’s attack on the roboticized Flicky took 100 attoseconds.

Who’s faster Sonic or Wally West?

Whether it’s Barry Allen or Wally West, it is important to know that they are both absolutely the fastest in their universe. While Sonic the Hedgehog is the fastest being alive in his universe and is capable of things that would make other speedsters blush with jealousy.

Is Hyper Sonic faster than the flash?

Sonic the Hedgehog’s maximum running speed is listed as 3,840 miles per hour in Sonic Adventures DX. According to the 2014 Flash TV show, in the episode Trajectory, Barry Allen has a top speed of 2,532 miles per hour or Mach 3.3. Sonic is faster for now.

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Who is faster Sonic the Hedgehog or Superman?

His speed was equivalent to Mach 3. But when we pit them against each other, we see that Sonic is much faster than Superman. Sonic is also faster than Flash. So, we all know that Sonic and Superman are both extremely fast.

Can Sonic beat Kid Flash?

The Flash was MUCH, MUCH faster than Sonic, but Sonic actually beat Flash in most categories, particularly Attack Potency and Durability. Boomstick: The gap in speed was huge, but Sonic’s power and durability could certainly allow him to hold his own.

Who is faster flash or Archie Sonic?

Archie Sonic wins because he has way more Powers And Abilities than Flash does. Plus Archie Sonic is well…. I don’t know how to say this but Archie Sonic is faster than Flash. Plus Archie Sonic is a reality warper so Archie Sonic Would be able to deafeat Flash And easily too.

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Who is faster Sonic or roadrunner?

Though mach 5 is nothing when compared to full power super sonic who can move roughly the speed of light. These feats may seem insane, but road runner’s speed is far beyond anything comprehendable by humans. His speed is faster than time and he is able to warp reality.

Can Superman beat Sonic?

HYPER sonic is indestructible, which means that he can wipe the floor with superman. And there’s nothing he can do about it. The only thing he CAN do is find a way to detransform sonic. But apart from that, sonic CAN beat superman.