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What if we created a Superintelligence?

What if we created a Superintelligence?

With a superintelligence being created, there’s no telling what it would do. One thing we do know is this AI would be far smarter than any human being. It would quickly create new technologies that humans today could never even dream of. This is known as a technological singularity.

Is artificial Superintelligence possible?

Although it may not be possible to control a superintelligent artificial general intelligence, it should be possible to control a superintelligent narrow AI—one specialized for certain functions instead of being capable of a broad range of tasks like humans.

What is artificial Superintelligence examples?

Some of the common and widely known examples of Narrow AI include intelligent search engine algorithms like Rankbrain from Google, voice assistant Siri from Apple and Alexa of Amazon, IBM Watson AI platform, a multitude of the face and biometric recognition solutions, e-commerce product recommendation tools, disease …

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What are some examples of artificial general intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence Examples

  • Smart assistants (like Siri and Alexa)
  • Disease mapping and prediction tools.
  • Manufacturing and drone robots.
  • Optimized, personalized healthcare treatment recommendations.
  • Conversational bots for marketing and customer service.
  • Robo-advisors for stock trading.
  • Spam filters on email.

What is the meaning of artificial superintelligence?

Artificial superintelligence is a term referring to the time when the capability of computers will surpass humans. “Artificial intelligence,” which has been much used since the 1970s, refers to the ability of computers to mimic human thought.

How long does it take for superintelligence?

Ray Kurzweil, a computer scientist at Google and a futurist who has long heralded the revolutionary potential of AI, has predicted that computers will achieve human-level intelligence by 2029 and something like superintelligence by 2045.

Is creating general AI a good idea?

However, the long-term goal of many researchers is to create general AI (AGI or strong AI). While narrow AI may outperform humans at whatever its specific task is, like playing chess or solving equations, AGI would outperform humans at nearly every cognitive task.

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How do you make artificial superintelligence?

A final way to create a superintelligence is to link together existing intelligences. Two brains are better than one, and so on. An obvious way to achieve this is through brain implants such as the Neuralink mentioned earlier. A less invasive method involves the wisdom of the crowd.

What is artificial intelligence and how does it work?

The first method of achieving a general artificial intelligence across the board relies on complex machine learning algorithms. These machine learning algorithms, often inspired by neural circuitry in the brain, focus on how a program can take inputted data, learn to analyze it, and give a desired output.

How long will it take for AI to surpass human intelligence?

In that same study of AI researchers, 10\% of respondents believed artificial superintelligence (roughly defined as an intelligence that greatly surpasses every human in most professions) would be achieved within two years of HLMI. 50\% believed it would take only 30 years or less. 4

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Will artificial intelligence evolve to unbounded intelligence?

In recent decades, however, serious technological and computational progress has led many experts to acknowledge this seemingly inevitable conclusion: Within a few decades, artificial intelligence could progress from a machine intelligence we currently understand to an unbounded intelligence unlike anything even the smartest among us could grasp.

Do skeptics of artificial intelligence have a point?

Before responding to such reactions, it is worth noting that the gradual advance of technology desensitizes us to the wonders of artificial intelligence that already permeate our technological lives. But skeptics do have a point. Current AI algorithms are only very good at very specific tasks.