Is Mace Windu the most powerful Jedi?

Is Mace Windu the most powerful Jedi?

Mace Windu was the strongest Jedi as of the clone wars. However, remember that Yoda was 800+ years at this time. So while Yoda was no longer a powerful duelist due to his age, his knowledge and guidence was vastly superior to all others on the council.

Is Mace Windu more powerful than Rey?

Mace Windu is extremely powerful with the force and lightsaber skills, but what Rey (extremely) lacks in lightsaber skills, she (extremely) makes up for in force abilities, which (in my opinion) if she used correctly, would easily defeat Mace Windu.

Is Mace Windu stronger than Luke?

17 Weaker: Mace Windu Although his Force Skills are seen as pretty strong, especially in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, he isn’t on par with some of his Jedi brethren, especially Luke. While Mace may be able to defeat Luke in a lightsaber duel, Luke’s other Force abilities are far superior.

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Can Anakin beat Windu?

Mace Windu would definitely and handily defeat Anakin Skywalker.

Is Anakin more powerful than Mace Windu?

Anakin was more powerful than Mace Windu on Force capability and Midichlorian Count. Had Anakin remained Obi-Wan’s padawan, he may have been the most powerful Jedi on record. Anakin wasn’t as powerful as Mace because Anakin was too conflicted and impatient.

What made Mace Windu so powerful?

Windu used Force Wave on the battle of Dantooine and Coruscant to blast hundreds of battle droids away from him and destroying them. He able to not fall for the dark side, even though he used it for only the good. This gave him abilities such as Force Crush and Force Grip.

Did Yoda train Mace Windu?

Like all in the Order, the young Korun boy was taught by Grand Master Yoda when he was a learner, and eventually went on to become a Padawan to another Jedi. At one point during his apprenticeship, Windu trained under Master T’ra Saa. Mace Windu, as a Jedi Knight.

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Who would win Mace Windu or Darth Vader?

Mace would beat Vader, because of many factors, as i said, Vader is physically stronger, but he has so much anger caused by his pain, anger that Windu would Channel through Vaapad and win. (Also Windu would use Shatterpoint and Vaapad to win.). So Mace wins 8/10 in Legends.

Can Mace Windu defeat Yoda?

Yoda. Mace Windu relies too heavily on combat and not enough on force powers to be able to defeat Yoda. Windu and Yoda would duel to a draw. Both are equal in Force abilities and Lightsaber skills.