
Is there a downside to LED lights?

Is there a downside to LED lights?

Perhaps the biggest drawback of LED light bulbs is that they emit more blue light than incandescent bulbs, which are more on the red end of the spectrum. Blue light can cause a disruption in your circadian rhythm, negatively affect your ability to fall asleep and the quality of your sleep.

Is it worth replacing bulbs with LED?

LEDs use much less energy than incandescent bulbs because diode light is much more efficient, power-wise, than filament light. LED bulbs use more than 75\% less energy than incandescent lighting. Another advantage of LEDs is the “hassle factor.” LEDs last a lot longer than a regular bulb.

Do LED light bulbs really save money?

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LED lights emit less heat than traditional incandescent and halogen lights. In fact, incandescent bulbs release about 90\% of their energy as heat. Energy Saver, an online resource from the DOE that helps consumers save money, said LED lights use between 75-80\% less energy, saving consumers as much as $75 a month.

What’s wrong with LED light bulbs?

The AMA says that life-long exposure of the retina and lens to blue peaks from LEDs can increase the risk of cataract and age-related macular degeneration. Studies also reveal that light emitted by LEDs can cause retinal changes, if there is high exposure for even a short period of time.

Why are LEDs bad for you?

A 2012 Spanish study found that LED radiation can cause irreversible damage to the retina. A 2019 report from the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES) warned of the “phototoxic effects” of blue light exposure, including an increased risk for age-related macular degeneration.

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Is LED cheaper to run?

The large variance between an LED bulb and, say, a halogen bulb wattage is the reason LEDs are so much cheaper to run. This means that the LED spot uses 90\% less electricity to run and therefore it costs 90\% less.

Are LED lights fire hazards?

LED lights do not deteriorate from switching on and off. They deteriorate from high temperatures. So if heat factors are efficiently managed, the LED bulb should not be a fire hazard.

Do LED bulbs break easily?

LED light bulbs are a highly efficient, energy saving alternative to incandescent light bulbs. Their technology is completely different, and as a result they last far longer than older types of light bulb. All light bulbs eventually break due to prolonged heat exposure, and LEDs are no different in this respect.

Are LED lights bad for your eyes 2021?

Are LED lights harmful to our eyes? Chronic exposure to LED lights can speed up the ageing of retinal tissue, leading to a decline in visual acuity and an increased risk of eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD).