
What is the disadvantages of free education?

What is the disadvantages of free education?

More Quantity and Less Quality. With free education, students might begin to take colleges for granted. It might also reduce the quality of education. In addition, free education might also result in students withdrawing from more classes or not trying hard enough as they won’t be paying money for anything.

What are the disadvantages of higher education?


  • You may not gain technical skills.
  • You may not get employability skills.
  • Contact time is less than at school.
  • You’ll leave with a lot of debt.
  • You will be committing at least three years of your life.
  • You’re not guaranteed a graduate job.
  • Lifetime earnings can be higher with an apprenticeship.

What are the impacts of free education?

The findings also discovered several impacts due to the implementation of FFE policy including the increased students enrolment, reduced students’ drop out and truancy, increased demands of funding for school functions, insufficient teaching and learning materials, and engagement of parents in school’s social and …

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Should education be free or not?

Answer: Free education guarantees that the overview of the life of all children will be the same. Candidates will experience increased employment: Free education means that most students will have access to education and increase their chances of getting employment.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of free higher education policy?

Top 10 Free College Pros & Cons – Summary List

Free College Pros Free College Cons
Higher level of technological progress Students may not value their education
Higher tax revenue Less motivation to study hard
Lower financial pressure on students College may become less important in the future

What are the pros and cons of higher education?

Pros and cons of going to college

  • Gain a better education: College is a tool for you to use to further your education.
  • More job opportunities.
  • New experiences.
  • Get outside of your comfort zone/boundaries.
  • Debt/Student loans.
  • Stress.
  • Jobs don’t require college education.
  • Famous/rich people without college education.
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Does free education affect students?

Free College Would Decrease Inequality Students who choose to pursue college eventually graduate with an average of $32,731 in debt (Friedman, 2020). Students from low-income families are usually held back by the possibility of incurring huge amounts of debt, and opt not to pursue college.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of going to college after high school?

Advantages & Disadvantages of Starting College Directly After High School

  • Advantage: Get Your Degree at a Younger Age.
  • Disadvantage: Haven’t Sampled the Real World.
  • Advantage: Continue With Classmates.
  • Disadvantage: Not Ready.
  • Advantage: Less Responsibilities.
  • Disadvantages: Haven’t Saved Up Enough Money.

Why free college is a bad idea?

To summarize, here are the 7 reasons why free college is a bad idea: Student loan defaults will increase Completion rates will decrease Property taxes will increase Persistence among college students will decrease Private colleges will suffer enrollment declines and financial hardships Free college does not address occupational shortages

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Why should college should not be free?

There are several reasons why college education should be paid for by the student: motivation, hard work, and independency are just some of them. Therefore, college should not be free, because many students will be unmotivated to obtain a third level of education.

What are the advantages of free education?

Benefits of Free Education. Education is the only means that can open up the doors that lead to employment, and through it food, shelter and better quality of life. Therefore, providing free education to the deserving ensures that at-least the future generation can step through these doors to a better living.

Why should College not be free essay?

More-over, colleges should not provide education free because the amount they get from the students is used for the welfare of the students only. Students need to depend on themselves; otherwise, every taxpayer will have to cover their education expenses and the government will give tax credit paper.