
What is the difference between I feel good and I feel well?

What is the difference between I feel good and I feel well?

Good is an adjective which is used to modify (describe) a noun. Well is an adverb used to modify (describe) a verb, or another adverb. In the sentence “I feel good.” Good is modifying the verb feel. This is very commonly said; however, it is grammatically incorrect.

How do you say I’m not feeling well in English?

There are a few ways to express how we feel:

  1. “I don’t feel well.” “I am feeling sick.”
  2. “I am feeling very tired today.” “I have been feeling very run-down lately.”
  3. “I have a bad headache.” “I have a sore arm.”
  4. “I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. Maybe you should go home to bed?”
  5. “I’m still not feeling well.”
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What is difference between good and well?

The rule of thumb is that good is an adjective and well is an adverb. Good modifies a noun; something can be or seem good. All you need to remember when you are pondering whether good or well is best for your sentence is that good modifies a person, place, or thing, whereas well modifies an action.

What does it mean when someone says I dont feel good?

“I don’t feel good” can be a stand-in for lots of different emotions or struggles, but here are a few things it might mean: “My mental illness is making it impossible for me to concentrate or think straight.” “My mental illness is making me feel nauseous or sick to my stomach.”

Is it I don’t feel good or I don’t feel well?

The correct grammatical form of the sentence is “I don’t feel well.” Reason: In the sentence you are describing the verb (feel), so you need an adverb, which “well” is. “Good” is the adjective form of “well.” So, you would use “good” to describe a noun.

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Do you say not feeling well or good?

“I don’t feel well” is proper grammar, but “I don’t feel so good” is used so commonly now that no one notices it’s wrong. They can be used interchangeably, but as “well” is an adverb and “good” is an adjective, “I don’t feel well” is more grammatically correct.

How do you say I’m throwing up?

throw up

  1. vomit. Any dairy product made him vomit.
  2. be sick. It was distressing to see her being sick all the time.
  3. spew. Let’s get out of his way before he starts spewing.
  4. puke (slang) toddlers puking on the carpet.
  5. chuck (Australian, New Zealand, informal)
  6. heave.
  7. regurgitate.
  8. disgorge.

What should I do when im not feeling well?

Feeling Unwell? How To Care For Yourself At Home

  1. Quarantine yourself for 15 days.
  2. Take your temperature once or twice a day.
  3. Rest.
  4. Drink fluids.
  5. Be wary of ibuprofen.
  6. Cough medicines are okay.
  7. Eat a healthy diet, but know that vitamin C won’t cure you.
  8. If you’re on an ace-inhibitor medication, switch to something else.
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How do you respond when someone says they don’t feel good?

Below is a list of responses you can use for the sentence “I’m not feeling well”:

  1. What’s wrong with you?
  2. Are you sick?
  3. How do you feel?
  4. Do you feel weak / nauseous?
  5. Do you have a headache?
  6. Have you felt like this before?
  7. Can you describe how you are feeling?
  8. Have you been feeling like this for a while?

Why do I not feel good?

Feeling run down, getting sick often, or feeling nauseous always is often explained by a lack of sleep, poor diet, anxiety or stress. However, it could also be a sign of pregnancy or chronic illness.