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Can I move my business to Europe?

Can I move my business to Europe?

Make sure your paperwork is in place Most European countries require you to register with the local council within three months of arrival in order to arrange your residence permit. If you require a specific visa to start a business in Europe, check with an immigration service to make sure you meet the requirements.

Is it possible to be registered in two countries?

It is possible to be resident for tax purposes in more than one country at the same time. This is known as dual residence.

Which European country give residence permit easily?

PORTUGAL: One can easily make the cut for Portugal’s Golden Visa program by donating generously to the scientific or art culture, or by simply making a purchase in the real estate. This being the easiest option, is also the most preferred, and demands high monetary involvement for its successful completion.

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Can you be registered in two countries EU?

With an EU permanent residence permit, you have the option of obtaining a residence permit in other EU countries; that is, under certain conditions, you can live and work in another EU country. The EU permanent residence permit has unlimited validity.

Can I keep my UK business if I move abroad?

The good news is you don’t have to do either of these things to trade through your existing UK limited company in another part of the UK or in a foreign country. You can base your business operations wherever you like. In fact, your company can trade in multiple locations around the world.

Can I move my UK limited company to a different country?

Your limited company and its registered premises will always remain in the UK. Dissolving your company in the UK, and starting another company in your new country is the only legitimate way to “move” your limited company. Your new company and all its registered offices must then be registered within your new country.

Can I have two addresses in Europe?

A citizen of the EU is able to have dual citizenship under various conditions and as such they could then have dual residency. However, if you are not a citizen of the EU and only have a legal residency card in one of the EU member nations you cannot have a dual residency in another EU member nation.

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How do I become a resident of Portugal?

You can get residency in Portugal in six basic ways: Marriage, family reunification, study, work, investment, or retirement. For each of these, if you live outside the EU, you’ll need to apply for the relevant visa. Once that visa is accepted, you’ll apply for residency with the Portuguese government.

Can EU citizens live in Portugal?

EU citizens have the right to permanent residence in Portugal, provided they have lived legally in national territory for five consecutive years.

How long can EU citizen stay in another EU country?

3 months
As an EU citizen, you have the right to move to any EU country to live, work, study, look for a job or retire. You can stay in another EU country for up to 3 months without registering there but you may need to report your presence. The only requirement is to hold a valid national identity card or passport.

Can I move to Portugal from the UK without registering?

As a member of the EU, you are able to move to Portugal from the UK and stay for 3 months without registering. For people intending to stay for longer, you will need to register at your local Câmara Municipal (town hall) within 4 months of arrival.

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Should I move to Portugal to start a new self-employed career?

There are no limitations on what the business could be, and the suggested required startup capital is just €5k, so this could be ideal for those that want to move to Portugal to start a new self-employed career. Read a longer writeup of the D2 A Few Considerations Becoming resident in Portugal *normally means becoming tax resident here.

What is the UK’s relationship with Portugal?

Portugal is a member of the European Union (EU), and an old trading partner of the UK. It does not present major challenges to UK companies wishing to develop trade.

Are You planning to move to Portugal after Brexit?

If you’re planning to move to Portugal after Brexit you’ll need to know about the new requirements for becoming a Portuguese resident. UK citizens no longer have an automatic right to live in Portugal, but the good news is that Portugal has some of the most attainable residency requirements of any EU country.