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What happens when potassium permanganate reacts with hydrochloric acid?

What happens when potassium permanganate reacts with hydrochloric acid?

Aqueous hydrochloric acid (HCl) reacts with potassium permanganate (KMnO4) to produce potassium chloride (KCl), Manganese chloride (MnCl2), water (H2O) and chlorine gas (Cl2). So purplish colour solution will turn in to a colourless or light pink colour solution.

Why are titrations using permanganate performed in acid?

Titrations with Permanganate must be carried out in strong acid solution. Sulfuric Acid is generally used for this purpose because Nitric Acid and Hydrochloric Acid can participate in competing oxidation-reduction reactions, reducing the accuracy of the titration.

What is the purpose of adding Sulphuric acid into potassium permanganate?

Sulphuric acid is added to prevent hydrolysis and to provide surplus H+ ions in the solution to keep reaction proceeding and also sulphuric acid is stable towards oxidation. From the above reaction it is evident that 8 moles of H+ ions is required per mole of MnO4- so sulphuric acid provides the required hydrogen ion.

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Why do we standardize potassium permanganate?

What Does It Mean by Standardization of Potassium Permanganate? (Aim) It means to determine the strength of potassium permanganate with a standard solution of oxalic acid. This reaction helps to study the oxidation and reduction theory.

Does potassium permanganate react with acid?

Potassium permanganate is a powerful oxidizing agent and it does not react with Conc. HCl at high temperatures. Hydrochloric acid is a mild reducing agent and is oxidised to free chlorine, when it is heated with the potassium permanganate.

What type of reaction is the reaction between potassium oxide and hydrochloric acid *?

Type of Chemical Reaction: For this reaction we have a neutralization reaction.

Why is potassium permanganate used as an oxidizing agent?

Permanganate a good oxidizing agent. Why? As the oxidation states of atoms increase the elements become more electronegative. Therefore, permanganate a good oxidizing agent.

Why is potassium permanganate a useful titrant?

In this case, the use of KMnO4 as a titrant is particularly useful, because it can act as its own indicator; this is due to the fact that the KMnO4 solution is bright purple, while the Fe2+ solution is colorless. Because of its bright purple color, KMnO4 serves as its own indicator.

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What will happen if hydrochloric acid is used instead of Sulphuric acid?

Since HCl is slightly less acidic than H2SO4, it will act like a base and accept a proton. And since HCl in solution consist of H3O+ and Cl-, Cl- will become protonated to become HCl(g).

What happens when potassium permanganate reacts with Sulphuric acid?

Potassium permanganate react with sulfuric acid to produce manganese(II) sulfate, potassium sulfate, oxygen and water.

Why is potassium permanganate used in diffusion experiment?

Because of the random movement of potassium permanganate particles, a dense purple solution forms in water at base of the beaker. The purple solution will slowly spread into the rest of the water throughout the beaker creating a less dense but evenly colored purple solution.

How does potassium permanganate react with Fe2+ ions?

Answer: Reduction reaction: The purple potassium permanganate solution reacts according to the following half equation and changes to colourless Mn2+ solution. The oxidation number of Fe2+ increases when it is oxidised to Fe3+.

What is the effect of permanganate on iron(III) chloride complexes?

First, iron (III) chloride complexes are yellow, and they can make it difficult to spot end point. To avoid the problem we can add phosphoric acid to the solution. Phosphate complex has higher stability constant and is colorless. Second, permanganate is strong enough to oxidize chlorides to free chlorine.

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How to titrate a reduced sample with permanganate solution?

Add reduced sample to the flask. Titrate with permanganate solution until a faint pink color persists for 30 seconds. According to the reaction equation given above 1 mole of permanganate reacts with 5 moles of iron and this ratio have to be used for titration result calculation.

What is the effect of hydrochloric acid in iron alloy analysis?

If the solution was prepared by dissolving iron sample in concentrated hydrochloric acid (which is a standard procedure during iron alloy analysis) it contains high concentration of chlorides. Their presence is detrimental to the analysis results in two ways.

How do you titrate oxalic acid with potassium permanganate?

Heat the oxalic acid solution upto 50°– 60°C before titratingit with potassium permanganate solution taken in theburette. To increase the visibility of the colour change, placethe conical flask containing the solution to be titrated overa white glazed tile kept below the nozzle of the verticallyfitted burette.