
What was feudalism in simple terms?

What was feudalism in simple terms?

Feudalism was a system in which people were given land and protection by people of higher rank, and worked and fought for them in return.

What was feudalism summary?

Feudalism was a political, economic and social system that flourished in Western Europe between the 9th and 15th centuries. It had its roots in Germanic and Roman traditions. It was characterised by a king’s ownership of vast land and the distribution of it to people in exchange for services.

What is feudalism long answer?

Feudalism is a system of land ownership and duties. It was used in the Middle Ages. With feudalism, all the land in a kingdom was the king’s. However, the king would give some of the land to the lords or nobles who fought for him, called vassals. These gifts of land were called fiefs.

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What is feudalism in history class 9?

Feudalism(feudal system) was common in France before the French revolution. The system consisted of the granting of land for return for military services. In a feudal system, a peasant or worker received a piece of land in return for serving a lord or king, especially during times of war.

What is a feudalism Class 9?

The system consisted of the granting of land for return for military services. In a feudal system, a peasant or worker received a piece of land in return for serving a lord or king, especially during times of war. Feudalism discouraged trade and economic growth. And it discouraged unified government.

How did feudalism end?

Most of the military aspects of feudalism effectively ended by about 1500. This was partly since the military shifted from armies consisting of the nobility to professional fighters thus reducing the nobility’s claim on power, but also because the Black Death reduced the nobility’s hold over the lower classes.

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What is feudal system class 10th?

What is the feudal system class 10?

In a feudal system, a peasant or worker known as a vassal received a piece of land in return for serving a lord or king, especially during times of war. Vassals were expected to perform various duties in exchange for their own fiefs, or areas of land… .

Did feudalism exist?

In short, feudalism as described above never existed in Medieval Europe. For decades, even centuries, feudalism has characterized our view of medieval society.

What is feudalism class 9th?

What is feudal 10th?